
Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Tuesday Treasures

I missed a few days of blogging as I woke up with an earache and then it went into a cold. I did get to go to an estate sale before I got sick and found some delightful goodies to share for this Tuesday Treasures! This was my kind of sale, filled with sweet treasures.

It will be hard to part with this charming and delicate teacup. Royal Albert is always a treasure to find! Don't you love the tiny pink roses mixed with soft blue forget me nots?

I am always charmed by little children's pieces of china. This is a very small pitcher. I like to think maybe it was used for milk. It's a keeper for me!

A sweet handmade needle keep in just the perfect colors for spring.

And then, I feel in love with these little dolls. I do believe they are dressed for spring too with bonnets and pretty little frocks.

This one is the milk made and her little friend is the farm girl. One will be a gift to a friend.

This little miss is named Erin and I think she is my favorite. She arrived just in time for St Patrick's Day.

They are just so sweet standing together.

I was so excited to find this set of paper dolls. Oh, I do love paper dolls! This set is still sealed and is a Madame Alexander issue.

Linking up with Bernideen's Blog Party.
Linking up with Stephanie's Roses of Inspiration


  1. Dear Linda:
    I love your little dolls as they caused me to remember making sock dolls back in the 70's and 80's. They are very sweet and in such good shape. What a wonderful estate sale and I do hope
    you are feeling better. An earache is nothing to mess around with. Take care and plenty of rest too! Thanks for sharing and linking. Moving day is almost here. Loaders come tomorrow and we leave Thursday! Great!

  2. Sorry you were ill but happy you made it to the estate sale. As a collector of dolls AND paper dolls I enjoyed seeing those treasures.

  3. I am sorry you had a earache. Nothing like them. But wow at the goodies. I love paper dolls. And even better they are Little Women.

  4. Hope you feel better quickly. I love all your treasures. Especially the pitcher. Thank you for your comments on the cards and I am so happy you are enjoying them. Hugs, LJ

  5. I am a great fan of Royal Albert so it was a real delight to see the cup and saucer. Hope you are feeling better, take care.

  6. Oh my gracious, Linda. What a fabulous sale you went to! Love the rosebud cup, the dollies are delightful, the paper dolls, everything. SCORE! Susan

  7. Hello Lady Linda... Thank you for visiting my blog. It's always nice to see a new name pop up.
    You certainly have lots of pretty things here on your blog. I had to run downstairs and check if I have that Royal Albert cup and saucer ( Forget-me-not Rose). and I do. It's so dainty.
    I hope your symptoms didn't develop into anything bad. Take care, Granny M.

  8. Hello Linda! Your little dolls are so sweet. I love theRoyal Albert tea cup. Hugs.

  9. What a beautiful teacup and the little dolls are so sweet! Estate sales are so great for finding wonderful treasures!

  10. What lovely treasures you found. The teacup and saucer is pretty; as are the collection of dolls. That little children's jug is adorable and the paper dolls are so sweet. I love paper dolls....I could always be found playing with them when I was a little girl.

  11. You found some very sweet little things, Linda! I love the teacup and little child's pitcher. The dolls are darling :) Somebody made these with love! Great to find the unopened paper dolls, too. My sisters and I played with paper doll all the time. Hope you have a lovely week. Hugs xo Karen

  12. Fun treats to be sure!! :-)
    Hope you are feeling better!
    Blessings and warmth, Linnie

  13. Hi Linda,
    Yes, that teacup is wonderful!And those dolls are super sweet. Such great finds. Sorry to hear you have not been well. Maybe the fact that today is Spring will help. :)
    Have a blessed Easter week,
