
Thursday, March 17, 2016

Tea Time Thursday # 106...Happy St Patrick's Day!

I hope you had a fun St Patrick's Day on this Tea Time Thursday! It was a busy one for me...filled with LOTS of fun! Here it is, almost midnight and I am just now posting my blog post.

My first task of the day,was putting together this yummy tray of cookies for my lady's bible study group this morning. It was my turn to bring treats.

This is also Dolly Thursday on my Tasha Tudor group, so I wanted to share a wee bit of Irish charm
from dolly land.

This is Sean in all his fine tweed, sweater, mittens and hat! I'm not sure if he is Irish, but I think he looks like he could be from Ireland.

 This is Erin who I just found last weekend. She was also featured on Tuesday Treasures this week. She was waiting to join the fun on St Patty's Day.

When I returned from bible study, I had Etsy orders to pack and get to the post office. They I put together some party favors for a St Pat's dinner and birthday party I was invited to tonight!

By the afternoon, I was ready for a spot of tea and a break! I needed a good strong cup of Irish tea. I wanted to use a teacup from my St Patrick's collection. With Easter so very early this year, I didn't even put my St Pat's things out...sigh. But I do adore this cup and saucer and just HAD to use it this afternoon.

This little 2 cup tea pot lives in my tea room all year, so it was quite handy for tea time.

Good Irish tea.....nice and strong!

A few cookies to celebrate the day...yummmy.

The cup is marked  Queen Anne and is bone china from England.

I left my house at 3:30 pm to return my daughter's car that I had to borrow while mine was in the shoppe most of the week. Jim took me to pick up my car and I zoomed off to meet my high school buddies for the party at Molly's house. Thank you Molly for hosting the gathering. Kathy's birthday is in a few days, so we decided to celebrate while we were all together! Happy Birthday Kathy! We have been friends since 1964!

We had a great evening...talking and catching up! We had a great dinner, banana cake and some Irish coffee to end the night.

Yes, it was a VERY busy day but it was a fun day too. I think I'll call it a day.

Linking up with Sandi at No Place Like Home


  1. Oh, what a sweet Saint Patrick's Day post, dear Lady Linda! I loved the sweet cookies and the teacups! And how wonderful to have met up with your school friends...
    Sending you so much love and hugs!

  2. What a sweet St. Patric's tea cup. Cookies looks very tasty! Much hugs.

  3. You certainly had a very busy day, but sounds like fun. Love the St Patricks cup/saucer a real delight and those cookies looked delicious! Take care.

  4. What a busy but fun day! Your cookies look wonderful. I love your shamrock teacup! Friends since 1964, that's a long time! It's lovely that you were all able to get together. Thanks for sharing and enjoy your weekend, my friend.


  5. I want to be Your REAL friend, not just a blogging friend ; ) I just know We would get along.Love all the photos of Your Irish Tea pretties.Such a busy but rewarding day for You-Hugs across the miles-Denise ps I've decided to hang in there with blogging,hoping this dry spell will pass.

  6. Good evening, my lovely and busy friend :) You did indeed have a busy, but delightful day. I hope this weekend brings you some nice quiet time.

    Thinking of you, dear one. Much love!

  7. Well my gosh, Linda, you've been a busy "lassie." How wonderful to have high school friends and fun events to attend. Your cookies looked nice, too. Hope your weekend is delightful. Hugs. Susan

  8. Mmmmmm yummy cookies!!
    Now that was busy day! :-)
    (I wouldn't be able to keep up with you)!
    Your tea cup is lovely!
    Sending warmth and love, Linnie xx oo

    Irish Blessing:
    May neighbours respect you,
    Trouble neglect you,
    The angels protect you,
    And heaven accept you.

  9. You did have a busy day, but it sounded like fun! Lovely St. Pat's tea and accessories!
