
Sunday, December 27, 2015

Sunday Thoughts...the Christ Candle

Sitting here this Sunday morning in the quiet of a new day. I have been reflecting on this Christmas and Advent season that was so different than I had imagined. I didn't even finish the 4 weeks of Advent posts and just wasn't able to keep up my blogging.

Instead of feeling sorry for myself, I am filled with gratitude this morning when I realize God's hand in my life. He has asked me to do things that were difficult, yet He gave me the strength to go forward and helped me solve problems. He has repaired relationships during this season and grown my love for others. He has encouraged me to GIVE of myself and to COMFORT those around me.
He has given me a PEACE in my heart this morning.

I am thankful for GOD'S GIFT OF LIGHT... I am thankful for my Lord and my Savior.

I cherish this day in the dark of winter as I light the white candle of my wreath....the Christ candle.


  1. Precious post and I'm so glad I didn't miss it.I need the peace of Christ this morning as I sit here in My Fave chair looking out to the quiet cool morning. Even now that My four daughters are in their mid thirties and forties,Well,they just don't get along as well as they did under my roof.It causes Me grief I can't shake,even though I pray daily. Continued blessings from Our Lord Your way.OX-Denise

  2. Bless you, dear Linda.
    I appreciated your heartfelt post, and I have to say that it was quite timely for my own life.
    I too have pretty much been unseen in our blogging community and very sporadic with posting due to changes in my own life.
    I'm finding it is best to rest, wait and go at God's speed and not become anxious. Hard to do sometimes.
    The Lord is certainly gracious with how He helps us through our days, and...through them, He desires to teach usgreat and mighty things.
    May you continue to draw close to the Lord in all that graces your life, and may this New Year bring with it the joy of the Lord in your heart.
    Much love to you, dear friend

  3. Linda, this was a beautifully written post. There is nothing like the peace of Christ. This year has been a hard one for me, but He has always been there with me, and I am so very grateful for that. We are so blessed to have Jesus in our lives.
    Love to you my dear kindred spirit.
