
Sunday, December 13, 2015

Sunday Thoughts-Third Week of Advent

Today we light the 3rd candle of the Advent wreath....the JOY candle. We are filled with JOY knowing the birth of our Lord will soon be here. Joy to the world.

Life continues to be challenging this Christmas season with my dad. He is stable now with his extra help, but we will continue until the end of the month. My sisters and I were able to meet on Friday and had a chance to talk over the situation. I is nice that I do not have to make all the decisions on my own.

Thank you all for your kind support and prayers.


  1. Continued prayers for your dear Dad. Take care.

  2. Bless you, dear friend.
    That is such a blessing having your sisters to come along side of you and together make those decisions that will have to be made on behalf of your dad's best.
    This challenge will make you all the more stronger for God's glory and His purposes.
    May you be strengthened knowing others are out there praying on your behalf.

    Much love~~ Debbie

  3. Christmas is a joyous season but it can often be sad for those who suffer from ill health and for their family. How wonderful that you and your sisters have come together and can support one another and decide what is best for your dad. Sending you many warm hugs. Kim xx

  4. I'm glad you're filled with joy. I hope you'll end this year and meet the next one with such a mood! My co-workers and me at are praying for your dads recovering and wishing him all the best. Good Christmas holidays to all your family!
