
Monday, August 11, 2014

Home From Alaska

Hello blogger friends! We just returned home from our trip to Alaska with our daughter Gina and SIL Eric. It was a most wonderful trip. It was so nice to be out of the heat but hard to come back a temperature of 96 yesterday and rumors of 100 today. I woke up early and have the doors open for some fresh air before the heat sets in. Of course, there's a mountain of wash and watering to be done, but my mind wants to stay in Alaska. Once I load up my photos I will have to do some trip blogging! If you are a FB friend, you have already seen some of my pictures and seen my adventure. It was all amazing.

This is FIRE WEED, a flowering plant that is everywhere in Alaska. It also grows in Canada and Britain. It should be the Alaskan state flower. It has quite a root system and loves to take over. It's seeds can wait underground for years until the perfect time to germinate. You get used to seeing it and it really is pretty. It has a very light, sweet floral smell. You can buy honey and soap and other Fire Weed items. I did buy some seeds, but I think I may try a container planting first to see how they do.

Eric told us they bloom from the bottom and when they get to the top, you will know that summer is almost over. Isn't that neat?

I also wanted to remind you that my blogger friend SUSAN at WRITING STRAIGHT FROM THE HEART is having her BLOGLAND TOUR today. Please stop and visit her lovey blog.

Time for coffee and I need to get out of vacation mode and into reality. Lots of Etsy orders to mail out today too. Stay cool. It is good to be home....HOME SWEET HOME.


  1. Hi Linda. We were on an Alaska cruise last week with our family...son & wife & grandson and daughter and husband and grandson. It is so beautiful there! We love it! Your photos are gorgeous! We are supposed to be in the mid 80s here in Sequim...keep cool!

  2. Hello from Spain: Alaska is a fabulous trip. Pretty flower. I follow the blog of Susan. Keep in touch

  3. Welcome back, wonderful to know you had such a great trip.

  4. Hi Linda..

    Can't wait to see some of the photos. Bet it's gorgeous in Alaska.

    Thanks so much for the blog mention. Wooooo eeeee, I am glad my Blogland Tour business is "ovah." ha ha ha

    Stop by Sandie's blog next Monday, okay?

    Take care and have a restful evening. Susan

  5. Welcome home, sweet friend! So happy to hear you had a nice time. . .I'm looking forward to pictures :)

    Enjoy your week! Love to you

  6. How wonderful to visit Alaska! Those flowers are lovely.
    Blessings and Sunshine, Valerie

  7. Welcome home! What a wonderful trip for you and your husband.
    That for weed photo is gorgeous! I remember those growing in Canada when we lived there. We get them here in Colorado as well, and yes, they tell of summer coming to an end.
    I look forward to seeing your pictures.
    Blessings, Debbie
