
Sunday, August 3, 2014

Blogland Tour, Anniversary and North to Alaska!

August 4th, 2014 and it is a VERY EXCITING day! Welcome to my blog and my day for the BLOGLAND TOUR. Stephanie at The Enchanting Rose invited me to participate in this traveling event. I have never done anything like this and I have to admit, it has been quite an adventure and a learning experience. I hope you will pop over and visit her beautiful blog or stop by again for a return visit.

Stephanie and I have been blogger friends now for a few years. She has organized several teacup exchanges that are always fun. These are the goodies I received in a spring exchange. I hope she does another one soon!

Before I begin my BLOGLAND TOUR, I would like to say Happy Anniversary to my Jimmy. We have been married 41 years. It has been a journey filled with so many blessings. I love you Jimmy!

Our daughter Gina and her delightful husband Eric surprised us earlier this summer with an invitation to ALASKA! We are flying to Alaska this morning for a five day trip. Our 40th was last summer and we were all so anxious for the birth of our little Otto, we cancelled our trip to the East coast. So this is a belated 40th Anniversary trip. Our hearts are filled with gratitude. Eric's has family in Anchorage and he will be our official tour guide. We met Eric's family two years ago at the kid's wedding and we are excited to see them again. A big thank you to Eric and Gina both!

So now, on to the questions to be answered for the BLOGLAND TOUR....


I am a quilter and I am going to bind this little vintage quilt block. I love the colors and want to use it as a little tablecloth for a vintage Willow Blue doll teaset. I need something a bit primitive and this block has just the right look.

Last year I joined a wonderful internet tea group called AFTERNOON TEA ACROSS AMERICA
or ATAA. We have holiday card exchanges that are so much fun. We send cards, tea and little tuck ins. The recent exchange was called...Summer Celebrations. I have been scrapbooking my cards and goodies so I can look at them and enjoy the treats. I have gathered my papers now, so I  just need to get them into my book.

I am lucky to attend several quilt retreats during the year with some very special friends. I NEED to finish this wall hanging quilt for my Mary Englebreit sewing and crafting room. It's my happy place! I should have had this finished. All it needs is the borders, quilt it, bind it and add the special final touches.

I am going to add vintage crocheted potholders in the five large squares for a fun touch! I have been collecting several and will have to choose just five. I do know this little lady will have a place of honor in the center.

If you follow my blog, you know that I am a doll nut. I found this wooden dollhouse shelf in May at the thrift store. I have been collecting mid century plastic doll furniture for a few years...the kind I had when I was a little girl. I need to paint it and add primary colors for the trim as it will live in my Mary Engelbreit cottage.

Should I decorate the inside walls and floors? That would be fun, but I'm not sure if I just want to keep it simple.


Well, I'm not sure it is all that different. I think being a collector and sharing that interest with my husband may "color" my blog. We are always ready for another SALE and enjoy working together at four antique and collectible shows each year. We are both retired, so this is something we enjoy doing  together.  Here's a couple of pictures from our last show.

We enjoy going to Estate sales and you will see the goods in many of my blog posts. We seem to always be up for the hunt and it's fun! I bought this box of goodies at a recent sale. We love it when the write us says..."digger" sale.

Some of our finds get a bit of new life and may end up on my Etsy site~LADY LINDA LOU.

You will also find an abundance of Tasha Tudor post on my blog and I think that makes my blog a bit different too. I am a great fan of this illustrator and author. I adore her work and it is an important part of my life and so a big part of my blog.

Some of my Tasha friends have been working on this little Annabelle doll for years. Our group is scattered across the USA but we have had a couple Gatherings in Vermont, so several of us have been able to meet.

We have a virtual St Nick's teaparty on December 6th and sometimes we have an ornament exchange.

This is Annabelle's best friend who lives in Montana~Annabelle of Montana of course. They visit each other back and forth a few times each year.

We remember Tasha every August on her birthday. Last year I was so lucky to be in Montana and this is the tea my good friend LaVonne made for me on her farm. It was a magical afternoon.

The Tudor Family has started a little museum and society. They are trying to get some chapters across the states. I am in the process of organizing an Oregon chapter! It's exciting. I am hoping to have a fall gathering to get it going.


Isn't that an interesting question?! I love history and have always been thrilled to read journals from the past. I have tried for years to keep a paper journal, but alas, I just cannot keep one going. I can't do it.

In June of 2010, my daughter Gina helped me set up my blog. It has been fun to watch it become "me" and take on a different look as the years slip by. I write to record my life and hope to publish all of this writing into books for my children and my grandchildren. I want to leave a record to be enjoyed by family. I want my blog to be a happy blog and it makes me happy when others enjoy my writing.


I was once a shoppe owner for 18 years and helped my husband with his Hallmark Pharmacies before I had my little shoppe. I love to do displays and I think my mind is ALWAYS working on the next blog post. I often say to my hubby, oh, that will make a great blog post or I NEED that or a blog post. I don't always plan out my posts in advance. I do try to post my TEA TIME THURSDAY post each week and my TASHA TUDOR BOOK REVIEW on the first Friday of each month. Sometimes life just gets in the way and that's OK! The more you blog, the more wonderful bloggers you meet and that has been a delight in my life the past four years.

I am inspired by my Tashsa friends....

Especially my really good friend LaVonne who makes me laugh! She is a treasure.

And new friends......

I can't forget my quilting friends and all their creative works of art.....

My Jimmy who keeps me on track and loves me just the way I am...

My daughter Angie, SIL Chris, Ava and Otto...constant love and fun times...

My dad and my lovely daughter Gina (we share a birthday) and my styling SIL Eric....

Teatime adventures and more teacups and teapots....

All the holidays...

A little music here and there....

A fun festival ...

Roses...Portland is the CITY OF ROSES...

Some gardening...

Trips to wonderful places that express God's beauty...

And of course my faith and the freedom to express it....

Stephanie asked me to invite two special blogger friends to be the next blogger on the BLOGLAND TOUR. Sadly, one of my blogger friends felt she could not continue this exercise, so I have only one blogger friend to introduce to you today. Susan at Writing Straight from the Heart has graciously agreed to join the tour. She is getting ready for her vacation too and has also had a difficult time inspiring blogger friends to participate. I think everyone is busy with summer plans and it does take some time to write this all up, but it has been fun.

Writing Straight From The Heart

Susan's BLOGLAND TOUR will be on Monday August 11th. Please stop by her wonderful blog. She  is a faithful blogger who posts fun, thoughtful and interesting things all week! I don't know how she does it! Everyone enjoys her blog and I know you will too! Thank you Susan!


  1. A truly beautiful blog tour, and a nice insight into knowing you a little better. I love the dolls house, I have just started to sort materials out to give it a new interior style, I find your blog quite inspirational. Happy anniversary, God willing for many more. Have a wonderful break in Alaska.

  2. Loved your post, Linda. Great job!

    I know you will have a fabulous time on our trip.

    Wow. Alaska! Hope you share lots of photos with us. Susan

  3. You have an interesting life. I am not a quilter but I do LOVE tea. My mother in law had a fondness for Tasha Tudor and I find Tasha's story interesting as well. Love your tea pot picture!!! Enjoy Alaska...

  4. First of all, HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to you and Jimmy :) What a beautiful testimony to the younger generation, dear friend. May the Lord bless you and your husband with many more years together. Have fun in Alaska!

    Again, thank you so much for participating in the Blog Tour. Your post was absolutely delightful and I enjoyed learning new things about you :)

    Also, there will be a tea cup exchange coming up sometime in September or October - a perfect time for hot tea, right :)

    Love you!

  5. Dear Linda,
    What a wonderful tour! Happy Anniversary, how special to go to Alaska. That is on our bucketlist. Just love your dollhouse, how wonderful.
    Blessings and Sunshine,

  6. Hi Linda and happy anniversary to you and Jimmy. I enjoyed this post very much. I hope you have a lovely trip to Alaska and share lots of photos.
