
Sunday, February 9, 2014

Lunch and Crafting with Friends~Shaker Dolls!

I have the sweetest friends in Bainbridge Island and Poulsbo! Angie and Clarice are always willing to open their homes and cook for me and whoever I might invite to come along! This trip, LaVonne was my guest and these lovely ladies once again were there to spoil us. We met at Angie's lovely home. I love the peacefulness of her place and never want to leave. So pretty and warm.

Clarice always brings something to add to the feast! Here's Angie in her kitchen sharing all the goodies and telling us what we will be dining on. Thanks so much to both of you for being so kind to share another yummy meal with us.

So after lunch, it was time to start making our SHAKER DOLLS. So what is a SHAKER DOLL?
LaVonne found the idea a few years ago and had me looking for salt and pepper shakers. The shakers become the body of the doll. You need doll heads or half dolls for the top of the shakers. If everyone plans ahead, each guest can bring a charm that symbolizes her in some way to be swapped. You can fill the shakers with beads and charms or tie them onto the ribbons that are attached to the metal salt or pepper top.  The shaker is actually upside down so it forms the doll. It was such a great project and everyone just jumped in and created their doll. Each one is different and each one is a masterpiece!

Serious crafters having so much fun. Isn't it wonderful to have a group of friends who enjoy doing what you love to do?

This is the very beginning of my SHAKER DOLL. You have to used a special epoxy putty to attach the doll to the glass shaker.

You just have to have lots of beads, ribbons, lace, charms, shakers, doll heads and of course, some cookies and some more tea! Do you think we had enough supplies?

We all went outside for a little photo shoot. Looks like a happy bunch of crafters!

This is LaVonne's dolly. She added the arms and in the next picture, you will see that she also added little legs. I think it was really a great addition.

Her finished dolly who now lives in Montana. Thanks for sending me your picture LaVonne. It isn't easy to photo these gals.

Thanks Clarice for letting me use your picture! I love her little crown with the tiny seashells. Your salt shaker is really cool. I think it looks great without the ribbons. All so individual.

Thanks also for letting me use Auberne's doll. I like all the color she added to her's and the fan. Very sweet!

Here is Angie's little dolly. Here's was smaller and just so sweet. Notice how she used pearls and ribbons on the botton. I really liked the way she looped her ribbon.

This is my lady. She was quite a good sized half doll. I had a ball making her and hope to make another one this spring with another group of crafter friends.

Here she is all finished. I used little tea pot charms in pastel colors on the bottom of my ribbons. She lives in my tea room.

Thank you LaVonne for finding this great project and encouraging us to make it really happen.


  1. This was so much fun! I love that I've found kindred spirits who love the same things I do. I love even more that if I don't have the supplies to follow through, I know YOU do! :-) Thank you!
    And don't forget about the hinge Angie used for wings on hers! I love that! Totally impromptu and I was whining because we didn't all have wings! LOL!

  2. They are all so darling! It would be hard to say which is the cutest!

  3. Oh how cuteL each and everyone of them. You must have had so much fun....Christine

  4. You girls really look like you were having a blast! Yay!
    All the shaker dolls are amazing! I love yours!

  5. That looks like such a fun way to spend a day with friends!

  6. Hello from Spain: These creations are wonderful. Very nice. I see a very nice day with friends .. Keep in touch, Keep in touch

  7. What a wonderful idea, the perfect way to spend the day and the end results are stunning.

  8. Love Your group of friends :) What fun.Beautiful outcomes too.That would be a perfect afternoon to Me.Thank You for My pretty valentines,Your's is going out in the mail today.

  9. Your dolls are all so cute!! What a great craft to do with special friends. You all are so talented! I am now going to be looking for salt & pepper shakers and doll heads . BTW are the little doll heads hard to find?
    Another great post!!

  10. Hi Linda! That looks like so much fun and how precious to spend time with friends while crafting :) The dolls are super sweet. Hugs to you, my dear friend!

  11. Hi Linda...What a perfect outing....friends and a favorite craft. What could be it? So happy for you. Susan

  12. They're all so cute and individual. I love mine too.

  13. What darling dolls; your group has fun while creating I can tell.

  14. What a delightful day of friendship and crafting. Such darling little dolls. Nice to meet you and I hope to visit again soon. Mildred

  15. Absolutely gorgeous, oh you are so creative.



  16. Now isn't that the cutest craft??!! Linda, the shaker dolls are all adorable and I know you had such a fun time together making them.

  17. My goodness- what fun! Food, friends, and doll making! Thanks for sharing this, Linda- I'd not heard of these dolls :)
