
Friday, February 7, 2014

First Friday Tasha Tudor Book Review....Rosemary for Remembrance

Under a blanket of snow today, I am taking the time to write my February  First Friday TASHA TUDOR book review. I am sorry that I missed my January review.  ROSEMARY FOR REMEMBRANCE is a sweet book for keeping a record of your friend's and family's birthdays and anniversaries and such. Each month is sweetly illustrated by Tasha and the illustrations are just charming. This book was published in 1981 New York: Philomel Books. If you are lucky, your book will come with a pasteboard jacket that slips on to protect the book.

Don't you just love the February page? It so cute and perfect for Valentine's Day. This time period is one of my favorites for Tasha's work. Her work is very detailed with lots to explore on each page.
There's a note inside on the first few pages that states that Tasha drew the flowers from living plants growing in her garden. It gives a detailed list of all the flowers used on each month's page.

Each month has a dated list for you to fill in....if you dare write in your book! I just can't.

So while I was doing some investigating on the book, I ran into some interesting information on the rosemary plant. I love rosemary in my garden. Right now, mine is under a lot of snow and I do hope it survives. I lost two plants a few years ago when we had a cold and snowy winter. Rosemary is an woody, evergreen perennial herb native to the Mediterranean area. It has a lovely smell and is actually a member of the mint family. It flowers white, pink, purple or blue. Mine flowers blue. It's Latin name means "dew of the sea". This is not a picture of my plant...I wish! It does grow well here in Oregon. I am actually training my into a tree. It is a decorative plant as well as an herb used for cooking and medical uses. They say it helps with your memory.

So, I'm sure you have heard the phrase "rosemary for remembrance"other than the title of Tasha's book.
In Shakespeare's play HAMLET, Ophelia actually says,"There's rosemary, that's for remembrance; pray, love remember".

So rosemary is often used in funerals or memorial services...tucked in little lapel pins and such. Very sweet. I will always look at my rosemary differently now.

I did just want to mention that the Tudor Family has reissued Tasha's Valentine Countdown Calendar. I have a copy of one that was published by her Jenny Wren Company. It's very sweet. Valentine's Day is coming! Check our the Tasha Tudor and Family website for lots of items.


  1. What a lovely posting! I feel I can just smeeelllll the rosemary!

  2. That was a nice post, Linda. Once, I tucked sprigs of rosemary inside our Christmas cards "for remembrance."
    Nice job on the book review! Susan

  3. The February page is delightful. I have a small herb garden and rosemary is there, it has such a wonderful smell.

  4. I Linda, I love this post. Really enjoyed all the information about rosemary. I plan on planting some this year. Love the ideas about tucking it in cards and such.
    You did a great job on the book review for Tasha's book. I am lucky to have one in my Tasha library too.
