
Sunday, November 24, 2013

I Am Thankful for Freedom of Religion

Good Sunday Morning! The wind is still blowing here in Troutdale OR and the house was just shaking last night. As we move toward THANKSGIVING DAY and begin a new week, I decided to take some time and put down a few of my thoughts this week, as this has been a fantastic year for me and my family. So many blessings!

Sunday is a the perfect day to reflect on a very special right in America- freedom of religion.
I am thankful that I can choose to attend my church and am free to celebrate what I believe. I am a Christian and it has great meaning in my life. I am thankful that I can go to church and not be afraid to share my faith. Life is a journey of personal faith, one that I value and hope to grow in every year.

I have been attending a lady's bible study for a few years now at a little community church called Pleasant Home Community Church.Jim and I have decided to make this our church. It's a small church with a real commitment to community...friendly and open. My friend Nancy invited me to attend the bible study so I did! Most of the ladies are older and so sweet and mother me, which I love. We just finished a Beth Moore study on James. The book of James is a small book in the bible, but a very powerful one! We will be starting a new study after Thanksgiving on the book of Daniel. I have done this one before and it is excellent. I don't mind doing it again. If you have never done a Beth Moore study, I highly recommend them.

Take time to reflect on your blessings today. The holidays are so busy and we get so wrapped up in it all. Don't miss the real meaning of the holiday this week. It's not ALL about shopping, it's about being thankful.


  1. Yes-We are so blessed.Our God is so good.Lovely bible studies :) Hugs to You Dear sister-Denise

  2. Hello from Spain: in my country there is also freedom of religion. I am Catholic and I am free to attend mass. I agree with you that these parties are to reflect and remember the birth of Jesus ...I am happy that you were very happy this year. Keep in touch

  3. This is a freedom denied to so many people in other places around the world. Sad. I'm glad you have found a nice church that is a good fit. It can really make a big difference in ones life.

  4. I love this post Miss Linda Lou! :) Freedom of Religion is such a blessing. One of many that we are so fortunate to have in this amazing country!
    I'm so happy for you and your family that this has been an exceptionally special year, and that you and Jim have found a Church that you love!
    Hugs- Erica :)

  5. Hi Linda....Nice that you are attending a good Bible study.

    Yes, this is a week to be very thankful for all the abundance and blessings we have in our lives.

    Among my blessings is you! and all the other dear friends in blogland.


  6. I'm grateful for freedom of religion, too. I SO need to do a BM Bible study... XOXO

  7. Definitely one of the things I am most this time of year and always! The freedom that really sets us free!
