
Monday, November 25, 2013

Home Sweet Home

I just got a nice warm fire going in my woodstove and am waiting for the coffee to be done. I was thinking about what I am thankful for today while I was beginning my day and it has to be my home.
I am thankful for my little cozy house where Jimmy and I have lived for 37 years now. If these walls could talk! We brought both of our girls home to this house and now a sweet grandchildren comes to visit.

It's a small house and at times, it was really stuffed when the girls were growing up and their friends filled the house to the brim. Now, it's just right for the retired folks who live here and it's all on one level. When you're young, you sure don't think of those things. No more house's all ours and that's a good feeling too.

I'm also so thankful that both of my girls have a home too. Eric and Gina bought their home in August in Seattle. It's a large spacious house and what a blessing that it was all ready to meet Eric's needs. We hope it will be filled with little ones someday.

When Angie married Chris, she moved into his amazing home. He is a collector and it is sooo fun to go to their home! I still haven't seen everything and it's so great to look and look and look. Best of all, our grandchildren live there and it's not even a half and hour away from grandma and grandpa's.

A happy home is such a blessing! It is our philosophy that our home should be a sanctuary. Come in from the world and it's business and relax. You will be safe here....recharge your batteries! As Dorothy said in the Wizard of Oz...there's no place like home.

Home Sweet Home


  1. Tho humble as it may be, there is no place like home.

  2. Hello from Spain: I agree with your reflection: Home Sweet Home. My home is my paradise, my island, my refuge. I have the house of my dreams. It is a house with a garden and bright. Keep in touch

  3. Hi Linda....Lovely post. I am so happy you love your home.

    Actually, I love ours, too, especially the fireplace in winter and the fountain and rose arbor in the backyard in summer.

    We do have stairs, though! Actually, three fights! Down to the basement, up to the second floor and up to the third! ha!

    Hope your Thanksgiving is wonderful. Susan

  4. Linda,
    You have certainly summed it all up, No place like home, a sanctuary from all of the hustle & bustle, where one can be themselves. I know your family is feeling very Blessed to have you as their own.
    Happy Thanksgiving,

  5. Hello my dear Linda :) Your post touched my heart - there is no place like home. What precious memories you must have of your dear family growing up and it was a joy to read about all that you have to be thankful for.

    So thankful for you, sweet friend. You are a treasure! Happy Thanksgiving! Hugs and love to you!

  6. It's really true at this time of year, that home is our shelter and our place for gathering.
