
Sunday, March 22, 2020

Stay Home!

Well, here I am again. It's been a very long time since I have blogged. I may have to learn all over how to do this. So much has happened since my last blog post but I will add as I catch up.
Most of you are probably staying in your home as we face this Coronavirus. It seems like the time to  return to somethings in life that we haven't had time for with our over busy lives.
This virus began in China and our country got a bit behind preparing for all of this. This is a new virus to the human body, so no one has immunity and there is no vaccine. It has hit WA, CA and NY especially hard and those states and a few others are in lockdown. My governor in OR may decide to enact that tomorrow. Sadly, so many people are not taking this seriously. The only hope we have to limit this virus is to pretty much stay home. The new term for keeping 6 ft away from each other is "social distancing". This is a very contagious virus and it is especially harmful to older people as well as those with certain medical conditions.The virus can be passed along as some don't even know they are sick. I have been home for over a week and Jim has only gone out for propane and a few groceries. It is impossible to get paper goods, especially toilet paper! It is hard to find other things...peanut butter, bread, sugar, hand sanitizer, bleach and cleaning products.
My daughters can no longer visit us. It's really hard not to see our grandson Otto. We do Face Time with him, but I sure would like a hug.
School has been out for 2 weeks and will continue to be closed for 4 more weeks. Angie works for Centennial School District in their office, so she is off work too. Thankfully, she gets paid! She is home along with Otto, so she is trying to provide some homeschooling. There's a lot of ideas and help out there. He's a first grader.
My other daughter Gina moved back to Portland from Seattle last summer. She is employed by the Clark County CC and all their classes are going to be online next term. She only has one class, so her income is cut too.
Jim and I are doing ok. It's scary and I think it's just hard when we have no idea how long this will drag on. We are retired and used to being home with each other. I am thankful we have each other.
So that's enough for tonight. I am going to try to keep my blog up again.
I pray that you and your family are well. I want to be positive during this difficult time too.
I worked outside today, cleaning out my flower beds. I'm tired so will say good night blogger friends.


  1. Linda, how well then again to read your blog. I worried, whether you were healthy. In spite of the vast distances dividing us very much I got to like Cie. At us the virus also changed our life. Fortunately in shops he is sorting nothing. We are trying to do the big shopping twice a week. I am praying for you and all acquaintances with families. I wish good health much.

  2. Great to see how you are doing and I send hugs. We are hunkered down in Colorado!

  3. Love reading your blog, but the colors of words and background make it hard to do. :)
