
Tuesday, May 28, 2019

The Purple Heart

My friend Ann is an interesting woman, loving person, very giving, extremely smart, so encouraging and just a wonderful friend. I first met Ann a few years back when she joined my Take Peace group. This is a group who loves Tasha Tudor and is keeping her legacy very much alive. I was matched up with her on a Christmas exchange. Group exchanges are so fun as you really get to know your partner. You know how you just kind of click with certain people? Well, Ann and I just clicked.
Last year, we both experienced very difficult health issues. Ann actually almost didn't make it.It's often at those times that you realize how much a friend means to you. Well, the struggles we faced only brought us closer together.
Ann is an Episcopal minister. She retired last year, another difficult part of her journey. We are currently working through the book Woman of the Bible. It's a year long study and it's great to be sharing it with a friend. Her insights on life and her experience as a minister bring a different dimension to our bible study. She is so open and honest.
So, we have become very good friends. We have never met in person yet, but we intend to!
Today, I got a delightful card in the mail with a little purple knitted heart! So sweet. She sent me a print out from her blog about this adventure. She award little hearts to people who do special or caring things and really don't get credit for it. We don't need to get credit or recognition but how nice to be surprised by this sweet little gesture.

So she awarded me with one and it arrived in the mail today. I was so touched, I cried. Things like this are so dear and are very encouraging.

So, go out there and spread some joy or happiness or help. Who knows, you may get a purple heart.
Thank you sweet Ann.


  1. What a thoughtful friend. It was a joy to see your name pop up this morning, hope all is well with you.

  2. Like nicely you are then again among us. I hope that you are feeling all right. I am longing for your nice entries on the blog. God bless you.
