
Sunday, January 10, 2016

Sunday Thoughts...Prayer

A dear friend of mine gifted me with this wonderful coffee mug for Christmas. I just love it and it has caused me to think about prayer. It has been one of those seasons where my own family has needed prayer. God has been good to answer prayers for my dad. I am so thankful for all who remembered him and my family.

Praise time! Dad was cleared by the doctor on Wednesday to be able to live on his own again without the extra help from Senior Helpers. My sister and I met with the management of his retirement home on Friday. They too released my dad! He was so happy when we gave him the happy news. I have been feeling so thankful and so relieved and very blessed.

Long ago, I made a promise to myself that if I told someone I was going to pray for them, I was going to follow through. I decided with the New Year that I wanted to write down names and how I will be praying for those who need prayer.

So why do I pray? God has asked me to pray. One of my favorite verses is " Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God." Philippians 4:6. Prayer lets me draw closer to my God, to communicate with Him~to spend time with my Lord. It gives me the opportunity to hold up my friends and their loved ones. I want to share their joy and be there to comfort them and praying for them opens the door to be able to do that. I become part of my community when I pray and that helps to be thankful for all of my many blessings.

I hope you have a good week ahead filled with blessings and opportunities to show those around you the love of Christ.


  1. I feel the same.When I tell someone I'll pray I do it right away.I can't wait or yes,I might forget.I have a prayer for You to put on that list, if You will,I'll inbox You.OX Denise

  2. Such a lovely post. I know I couldn't get through the day without chatting to God and I know many have prayed for my husband and myself this past year. That is wonderful news about your dad. He must be tickled pink. So happy for your family. Love the mug, by the way.....'tis both pink and has a wonderful sentiment! Wishing you a lovely week. =)

  3. My sweet friend, what a timely post...this very morning I shared a post about prayer on my blog. How I love to see God's hand in all things whether they be big or small :)

    You have been in my thoughts, precious Linda, and you and your family remain in my prayers. Much love and tender hugs to you, dear one!

  4. I am thrilled about your dear Dad, such good news. God bless.

  5. Love that mug it says alot. Sending prayers for your family. God Bless.

  6. Hi Linda. I think it's important to pray for others, too. It lifts us up and we put all our cares, worries and preoccupations in into the right hands. Take care and hope your New Year is wonderful. Susan

  7. What a beautiful post, dear Linda. It's such a privilege to be able to commune with our Creator to bring our hearts before Him! I love the mug too :) Have a blessed week!
