
Sunday, October 25, 2015

Sunday Thoughts

I was thinking of this verse this morning, remembering that Beth Moore used it during one of her visits to Portland. I have it marked in my bible and a friend made me a book mark that is still tucked in my bible.

So, what does this verse mean? I think everyone cherishes the end of the verse....we so want the desires of our heart. Does anyone know those desires more that our Lord? I know I have some desires in my heart that I have been hoping and praying for over the years. I think we all do.

But what about the first part of the verse? How do you DELIGHT yourself in the Lord? I think it means as we treasure God in our hearts and follow His commands and wishes for us, we really become closer to Him. We will WANT to follow Him and live that life that honors our Lord. That's when God becomes more real, more of a part of each and every day! That's when God will bless you and give you the desires of your heart. I know this is simply put, but do think it over. Happy Sunday.


  1. Beautiful words Linda. Harvest blessings to You and Yours. OX Denise

  2. Hello from Spain: in fact, we have God in our hearts. Linda, your words are lovely. Keep in touch
