
Tuesday, September 1, 2015


Oh WELCOME this new month of September! I am excited to flip over the calendar and say good bye to August and all the hot weather. It has been cooler with some clouds and just a bit of rain. I can just get a tiny hint of fall in the air here and there. I like September because it is usually still very nice with warm days. I can still be outside, I don't wear socks yet and I can still enjoy wearing capris.

Do you remember, or still use, this nursery rhyme that begins with "Thirty Days Hath September"?
I know I do. This is a darling copy of it with adorable graphics.

Here's a copy done in fine old time cursive writing. I think it's so sad that cursive writing is no longer taught in most schools. I don't agree with that.

When I was in school, I loved practicing cursive writing. I would spend hours perfecting my handwriting. People tell me I have nice handwriting, but with all the typing and computer work, I think it's a bit sloppy now.

School has started in the Portland Public Schools very early this year. It started last week. Other schools, out where I live in East County, are starting late...after Labor Day. I wonder why they don't all start at the same time? I no longer have children to send off to school, but now I have grandchildren. Ava started last week.

Did you like going back to school? I did! I couldn't wait for summer to end. I loved school. I guess that's why I became a teacher. I still get a little tingle when September arrives...thinking of returning to school or getting the classroom ready for my new students.

Thank you all for your continuing prayers for my daughter Angela. She is doing great with her back healing. I still can't believe how quickly she made a turn around. All those prayers...I am humbled.


  1. Cursive writing in our days was a must... My six grade teacher made us practice every day.. Loved it to. My youngest daughter whos 21 can barely write in cursive. I never heard that poem before. I love September too. Love Fall/Autumn. Happy September with love Janice

  2. My eldest Grandaughter starts school on Friday, she is so excited. I am so pleased to hear Angie is on the mend, she will remain in my prayers.
