
Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Birthday Fun

Last Saturday, my daughter wanted to take me out to breakfast for an early birthday treat. Chris and her picked Multnomah Falls which is fairly close to your home. We met about 10:30 AM. The day started out foggy but turned out to be a very nice day. The waterfall was just wonderful.

The stone lodge and gift shop is really nice. We always have to make a stop in the gift store. They have a smashed penny machine in there.

The restaurant is upstairs...all warm and cozy with a fireplace.

Otto and his daddy Chris~all decked out in their Christmas sweaters.

Mommy Angie had on her Christmas plaid jacket too.

I love hash and eggs, so here's my yummy breakfast. It was good! The restaurant has used this same china forever.

I walked up a bit so I could take some pictures of the Wirth family. You can see the falls behind them.

I love this one!

We said goodbye and went off to the Open House at the historic Harlow House in Troutdale, our home town. I think the last time we visited the house was when our girls were in grade school!

I went upstairs to take a peek at the bedrooms. The children's room was so cute with toys and dolls.

The master bedroom was very small with lots of vintage items to enjoy.

There was also a sewing room in the corner room.

Our next destination was the Wade Creek House out in Estacada, which is a delightful shoppe with a mix of antiques, collectibles and handmade items. It's always a fun place and we always find a treat to take back home.

Mr Snowman was keeping his eyes on old Jimmy!

O just love how they take everyday items and make simple decorations that look so good.

This is their chicken coop. They only had 4 chickens this time. Love the quilt block on the building. They are going to have a class on how to make them next January.

Not far from the Wade Creek House, we always go past this historic home and have never stopped. They were also having an Open House, so we decided to stop in. It's the Philip Foster House and it was just charming. Some delightful young people were helping to run the place. It was once a major stopping place for those travelers on the Barlow Trail going on to the Willamette Valley after crossing the Oregon Trail.

I loved the inside of the house and don't you love the old quilt on the spool bed?

Jimmy was visiting with the volunteers and Santa while I was snooping around and taking pictures.

I wish I had a this one! The kitchen was my favorite part of the house. Can you image all the wonderful meals that were cooked on that woodstove?

There was a big barn and even a small blacksmith's shoppe on the property.

A trip to the store was wonderful. It was really cute inside. I got wrapped up with the clerk and didn't take any pictures. I guess I'll have to return someday.

A little history to read,,,,

We really had a great day. It was fun to go out in the country and visit some historic homes. 


  1. Good Morning!
    What a delightful birthday you had. Those falls are quite something.
    I have to agree with you in that Mr. Snowman appeared to be keeping his eye on Jimmy. :)
    As I scrolled down your page I was looking at the pictures of you and Jimmy, what a precious couple you are.

    Merry Christmas!

  2. Linda, it looks like such a sweet family time! I love that stone lodge. Buildings like that just ooze with charm! Hope you have a wonderful Wednesday.

  3. Wow, what a great day, those historic homes were a real treat, I particularly loved the sewing room. Beautiful pictures of your daughter and family.

  4. Sweet friend, what a beautiful day with your loved ones. Your family is simply lovely :)

    Your pictures were a joy to look at. Love to you!

  5. Oh my goodness, Linda. That sounded like a super day from start to finish. Your birthday is in December? Well, I hope it's WONDERFUL. Susan

  6. What a lovely Birthday outing you had!
    Family, beauty, and wow what a Historic treat it was too!

  7. What a fun time! I am so glad you enjoyed your family day. Blessings, Martha

  8. What a wonderful birthday you had and lovely you got to spend it with your family.

  9. Hello from Spain: Nice family photos. I see that you enjoyed much of your family. Keep in touch

  10. Wonderful post, looks like a fantastic time; love your photos. Happy birthday and Merry Christmas! :)
