
Friday, July 25, 2014

A Special First Birthday for Otto!

Happy First Birthday little Otto Wirth! Today is your real birthday, but we had a grand party last Sunday! Everyone had lots of fun and lots of friends and family came to celebrate your big day!

Look at all the fun food your mommy and daddy made for you!

Your daddy made a special BLUE VELVET cake! What a big cake for the birthday boy. Everything was so cute.

See your special cupcake waiting for you with a candle! FUN FUN FUN!

Ava was with you all day and was such a good big sister. You are so lucky to have her. She sure loves you. I think you were both waiting to go in the pool before the party started.

Grandma Kathy was there to watch you too. You do love the water!

Ava and her friend were excited to be together and they were playing Barbie and other games waiting for the party to start!

This is my good friend Nancy Black, who likes to be called Aunt Nancy. This is the first time she met you! Of course, you charmed her.

Cousin Amanda, Aunt Debbie and Uncle Bill stopped by to see how you were doing and how you had grown.

Aunt Gina and Eric came down from Seattle too...and there's Papa John, your great grandpa. We were so glad he was able to make the party.

Here you are, it's almost time for cake! You are always ready for a little goodie, or a sweetie as your daddy calls it.

You weren't quite sure about that lit candle...but we all sang Happy Birthday to you and mommy and Ava helped you blow out the candles!

Of course, daddy had to put some frosting on your little nose. It didn't bother you! You just wanted to eat your cupcake!

Look at that BLUE cake daddy made! WOW!

Grandma and Grandpa, Aunt Gina and Ava were there to help you!

Looks like you are doing just fine on your own! YUMMY!

The happy WIRTH family on a special day!  I think you just wanted to finish your cupcake!

OH NO....what happened to the baby???? A food allergy??? Blue cake and icing is NOT FOR OTTO!
Daddy put some cream on you and you started to turn back to normal!

Stylin' Uncle Eric and Aunt Gina with Papa John!

Lots of presents!

Grandma and her little RED man! Love you baby!


  1. What a sweet party for your grandson! Love the blue velvet cake . . . but he didn't "smash" his cake as much as Lucy!

  2. beautiful pictures

  3. A truly delightful party with lots of beautiful memories to squirrel away and remember at a later date.

  4. So fun! He's looking at you all like you're completely crazy! Just give me cake! :-)

  5. What a precious birthday boy. Nice to be introduced to all the family - a very special get together for a fun occasion.

  6. The pictures are wonderful! I love the last one, and how Jimmy is smiling in the background. Too cute!
    Erica :)

  7. He is simply precious, my friend :) It looks like he had a wonderful 1st birthday.

    Blessings to you, Linda. Love and hugs!

  8. This was a great post. Otto will treasure it someday.

  9. A sweet birthday celebration for a very sweet boy! They grow so fast, don't they? That pool looks so inviting - I might get one for myself - *grin*. Love seeing your sweet family and all the charming decorations and food. The blue cake looks yummy! xo Karen
