
Wednesday, March 5, 2014

The Season of Lent

Today is the first day of the Lent and is also called Ash Wednesday. When I was growing up, we went to church and had a little cross from ashes put on our foreheads. We often gave up something for the entire season of Lent until Easter.

As an adult and a Christian, I now look at this time a bit differently. Today is a time to think about how I want to prepare myself for Easter. The world we live in is so busy and moves so quickly, the days can slip by and I am often standing there wondering what happened to the day? So instead of giving up something (there's nothing wrong with that either), I am going to really work on having a devotional time every morning. It's a good and positive way to begin each day. Life it short~enjoy each day you are given and try to make the most of it.

To those of you who share my faith, I hope you take some time today to think this over. 


  1. I have ashes on my forehead today. I think the "giving up something" is just the simplified version for kids. It's really more about giving somehing and doing something and learning something, and in the process creating the opportunity for a closer relationship with God.

  2. As a very proud Grandparent to 4 beautiful Grandchildren I have given up something to lead by example and in doing so have strengthened my relationship with both God and my family.

  3. I went on got my ashes on today. I will try to make the most of this Lenten season by doing something positive. xo

  4. Hi Linda. What you plan to do is good and worthy. I am giving some things up that will be VERY hard to give up. But it's worth the sacrifice.

    On my way to church now so gotta go.


  5. My church does not practice Lent, but I decided to do it on my own this year. I am giving up or sacrificing something this year because Jesus gave up his life for me. I am also trying to develop a better devotional habit during this time, because I read something once that said Lent is most effective if you do something positive with the time you gain from what you give up. Well, it can't exactly even out quite that way depending on what you're giving up. 30 minutes less TV could equate 30 more minutes devotional time, but how does giving up something like sweets fall into that pattern? :) So I am just trying to give up one thing and develop another. Good enough. It's something interesting to ponder on and see if I make it all the way to Easter.
