
Monday, March 31, 2014

Our Quick Day Trip to Seattle

Last week, my daughter Angie and grandson Otto rode the train to Seattle to visit my other daughter Gina and her hubby Eric. Jim and I have been missing our Seattle kids, so we drove up Friday morning to be with them and then we could drive Ang and Otto back home. I just hate the traffic in Seattle, but it's always worth it to see the kids! The "sisters" are very close and this gave them a bit of time to spend together. They both live busy lives and these times are special.

It's hard for Aunt Gina and Uncle Eric living out of town when it comes to watching the baby grow. He changes so quickly. Thank goodness for our phones and computers these days!

On this visit, Otto learned to crawl, wave goodbye and open and shut his little hand...kind of an second wave. Eric and Gina's home is just so nice and so spacious for company.

We went out to for dinner before leaving for home. Of course, Otto is the center of our attention. Eric had made a video of Otto crying and then put it in slow motion. It was so funny...he sounded like a dinosaur! We were watching it and laughing while we were waiting for our table.

Three of the MENFOLK in our family....doesn't Eric look handsome? He's all dressed up and looking fine! We missed you Chris!

My girls...sisters! I just love them and treasure the times I have just being with them. Thanks for the memories kids! It was fun.

The kids got a new car! It's a SOUL by KIA and is a nice little car. Gina took Jimmy and I for a ride around their lovely neighborhood. They live close to a beautiful park that even has a beach. Such a pretty area.

The proud new owner! You HAVE to have a good car when you live in Seattle!

Eric pulled this photo up for us. He grew up in Alaska and he was sooo excited when MacDonalds came to town! Here he is with Ronald MacDonald. Isn't it just the cutest picture!!!


  1. What a lovely post, you are certainly blessed with a wonderful family.

  2. How wonderful you have them all so close! Totally agree about driving in Seattle...we take the ferry in & taxi around. Hate the traffic! Especially with the Big Dig traffic diversions...

  3. Hello from Spain: beautiful family photos. I read that you were in Seattle visiting your children and grandchildren. Seattle is a great city. I like the new car of your daughter. Keep in touch

  4. Sounds like a great outing, Linda. So happy you got to spend time with your sweet daughters and that darling grandbaby! Susan

  5. Hello Miss Linda Lou :)
    This is such a sweet post about your family. Little Otto is at such a fun age with all those new things he's doing. I bet you guys are getting excited to see him start walking. It's coming soon!!!
    And are you going to make up a special Easter Basket for him this year? He probably needs a big chocolate bunny on his very first Easter, right? hehe :)
    That McDonald's pic is priceless!
    Hugs to you, my friend!
    Erica :)

  6. You have a beautiful family, Linda! So nice that you all got to spend time together with that precious little baby. Hugs xo Karen

  7. Beautiful family :) I'm so glad to see them.
