
Tuesday, December 10, 2013

December 10th~Stockings, Tree Shirt and a Birthday Surprise!

A few weeks ago, I told you about the red and off white cutter quilt Jimmy bought for me and that I was going to make Christmas stocking out of it. So I am finally getting around to showing you the process and the finished project. They were really fun to make and I am soooo enjoying my sewing cottage! What a difference it makes when you actually have a place to sew.

I really liked this quilt as it had a nice pattern that would work when I cut it up. Being a quilter, I have to admit, the first cut was really hard to do. I held my scissors over the binding for a few minutes before I could lower the blade. After the first assault, it was OK. I knew I was recycling something that may have ended up being discarded.

This is the lining I chose....a nice cotton print. I wanted something older looking but not too country.
It's a Moda fabric.

I drew the pattern freehand as I couldn't find a pattern that I really liked. Sometimes it just fun to do it the old fashioned way.

A finished project! I was able to get all four showing off the same block pattern. I found this old trim in my stash of goodies and attached it with a vintage mother of pearl button. Simple.

Here's two of them hanging by our woodstove. I used vintage irons as stocking holders. It works well for our cozy home.

I had enough of the cutter quilt and lining to make a tree shirt. I did buy some muslin to make the huge ruffle! I forgot how long it takes to add a ruffle onto an item. That's when you wish you had a ruffler!

Here it is tucked under the tree. We decided to do a display of vintage toys under the tree this year as we are all going to Seattle for Christmas. I have been wanting to do this for years anyway.

And look what is is under the tree now! My dear friend LaVonne sent me this amazing cast iron doll stove with little utensils for my birthday! I have coveted the one she has for years and bless her heart, she found one for me. Oh I am still so HAPPY and AMAZED! It is perfect for now and then it will move into Annabelle's house. Annabelle may want to do some holiday baking this season. She's a bit jealous that one of the tin heads is enjoying it before she gets her turn. Thank you LaVonne!

There you have it! My back is really hurting me, I think I pulled a muscle. So today I promised Jimmy I would take it easy and just work on the computer and my Christmas cards. It's really hard when you have lots of things to do!

It snowed again in the early pretty. Our temps are finally warming up now after about a week of frigid temperatures. The snow is melting away. It is such a treat here, that we just love it.


  1. you make such beautiful things! My stocking you made me is hung on the fireplace hoping someone here remembers to put a little something in it:-) That LaVonne, what a treasure of a gift! She knows you well..There is a little something coming your way on Thurs I think--little belated birthday gift my dear friend:-)
    Love you,

  2. Love, love, love the red stockings and the backing material! I just want to eat it up! :-)
    Once again, my friend, we are on the same wave length! That stove is perfect under your tree. I had it when you visited and it was all I could do to keep from giving it to you then, especially when you said, "I don't have a cookstove for my dolls!" AKKKK! You know me and waiting! I almost caved then and there! Aren't you proud of me? :-) Jimmy was in on it too since I called him from the flea market to see if you had one! That must have been about March! I CAN keep a secret!

  3. Oh no, I am so sorry to hear about your back! I will be praying you feel better soon, dear friend. I just LOVE your stockings and the tree skirt is divine - love, love, LOVE!!!

    Sending you big hugs!

  4. Your stockings and tree skirt are so pretty and so perfect for repurposing that lovely old quilt! I love how you hung them with the old irons, too. Your tree is lovely with all the vintage toys and how sweet of your friend to find you the miniature stove! I had one just like it when I was a young bride - my Mr. bought it for me, but over the years the little ones played with it and lost all the pieces and eventually the stove itself. Someday I might find it out in the woods where they set up their play! So glad the weather is warming up - it did get cold, didn't it? Stay cozy and I hope your back feels better soon. Hugs xo Karen

  5. Hi Linda!
    Your stockings couldn't be sweeter, and I love that you made the pattern yourself. Such talent!
    I'm sorry about your back. I know how you must feel. It's hard when you want to get things done but just can't. I bet a good day of rest will be just what you need though. I have a feeling there will be lots of hot tea involved! lol
    Hugs to you- Erica :)

  6. Hello from Spain: beautiful creations for Christmas. Great job ... Keep in touch

  7. The tree skirt turned out so cute. Love the idea of the toys under the tree.

  8. That is so cute and your stockings are darling! Love your tree and old toys underneath!

  9. Blessings, Milady! Oh, how I am with you on how hard it must have been to cut into that quilt. I don't know that I could have done it. However, I am using broken china in my floral frills now and have had to actually break some lovely china so I could use the patterns in my art. They were already chipped anyway - but it was still hard to break them. You're right - after the first cut it's okay. Your finished products are very festive. I love your old toys under the tree - i'm featuring the same this week, too. And - what a treasure that stove is! Wow - a great addition to your collection, I'm sure.

  10. The stockings are wonderful. And look what good use you made of that cutter quilt. No guilt! LOVE the old toys under your beautiful tree. And oh yes, your dollies have just been waiting for that cookstove! They're so warm and happy now!

    Hope your back is better.

  11. Hi Linda,

    So nice to meet you!

    You are such a creative talent, sewing up these beautiful Christmas crafts which will grace your mantel and provide a pretty foundation for your tree! I wish I could sew, but just never got round to trying.

    Thanks for stopping by Poppy View and hope to see you again, soon!

    Merry Christmas!


  12. Linda, the stockings and tree skirt turned out soooo pretty. I felt your hesitation in that first cut through the quilt, but after that, it was clear sailing, and now you have so much beauty from that one quilt. xo

  13. I really love these red stocking you have made with the quilt! They are just perfect! I am sorry you had to pay with your back though! I hope it feels better very soon.
