
Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Tea Time Thursday #27 and a Little Get Away

I do love the month of November! Today was quite a "November" day with the Oregon rain, blustery winds and dancing leaves. Jim got the snow tires on both cars, so he can relax as most of the winter chores are done now. I did a couple errands and Christmas is up and running. Now that I no longer have my shoppe, I really am not ready hear Christmas carols when I walk into a retail store so soon.
I was looking for a bit of fall garland and there was not a drop of fall to be seen. Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays...good food, family and just the calm before the storm. Jim and I are hoping to make some changes with some Christmas things this's time.

Happy Tea Time Thursday! I am taking you back into my tea room today to share a few goodies. This is my doll Maggie who was made by Christine Lefever. She is an Oregon dollmaker who lives in Oregon City. Visit her blog to see her work and her current dolls for sale.....Christine. Maggie is the perfect doll for November with her sweet little brown frock.

This is the picture that Jim took in Christine's studio in her lovely home when we bought the doll. She was very gracious to invite us in to see her work. She's so funny.

So, I decided to feature this really pretty brown cup and saucer. I think it looks like fall with it's nice brown color and I really like the border design. Doesn't just invite you to have a cup of tea?

It's marked Royal Staffordshire Pottery England on the bottom.

I keep trying to get caught up on my blog visits and blog posts, but I have been having fun lately. I was invited to go over to Pine Hollow on Monday with my good friend Nancy. Here she is in front of her darling little home away from home in Central Oregon. We stayed over night after attending the Scrapbagger's quilting morning and visiting Peggy and Ina's homes. We had so much fun and got some sewing time in!

Lots of very tame deer walking around. They had to put up tall fences to keep them out of their yard and to stop them from eating all her trees and plants! They are just beautiful animals.

Thanks so much Nancy for inviting me to stay overnight and thanks for feeding me. Let's do it again when the weather improves. We may have to wait til spring now. We did drive through some mixed snow and rain on our way over and it was very cold!

A couple of pictures from our quilting time at the little church. It's a nice place to quilt! They meet every Monday morning. To celebrate our visit, they fixed a taco soup and cornbread lunch for us. So sweet and so yummy! Thanks guys...we had a great time and hope to visit more often. It's only a two hour drive and a scenic one at that.


  1. I love that you are having fun! You are doing things up right Linda, getting out and about and going and doing and then coming home and sharing with us!

  2. Hello from Spain: you're right. Christmas is coming soon. In my town does not snow ever. Maggie is a beautiful doll. Pretty teacups. I see many deer near the house of your friend. I like to see all your plans. Keep in touch

  3. Sounds like you are having lots of good times with beautiful friends, Linda! I love the little doll, she really has personality, and I love your teacup! It is perfect for a cup of tea on a blustery day! So nice to see the deer, but I know the damage they can do. Since I have my big dogs, no more deer dare come by but I see them along the road. So nice to spend the day quilting with friends, good food, and conversation. Hugs, xoxo

  4. Ohhhh, fun fun fun, Linda. Why not have fun in life?

    What changes are you making this Christmas?

    Hope you have a nice Friday! Susan

  5. Your teacup is perfect for a Fall tea, Linda. I love your newest doll, too. It sounds like you're having such a wonderful time meeting up with dear friends and quilting. Have a blessed weekend.

  6. I too have changed many things about Our Christmas's. Since We keep down sizing,I also down size My Christmas.Well,esp.since My children were all home and Christmas was at My house.Time marches on and things do change.I am grateful for the past,present and Our future. Love Dense

  7. What a sweet dollie! I love the Jenny Lind teacup, too. So perfect for the fall. It looks like you had a wonderful trip to Central OR, too!
