
Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Welcome October~Time to Decorate!

Oh welcome October! A new month and one of my favorites. I remember when the doctor told me I was expecting my first baby in this glorious month, I was so excited. That baby will be 37 the end of the month.

I love this quote from Anne of Green Gables. You can find these graphics in an Etsy shoppe called Islays Terrace. Soft and such a good quote.

It's pouring rain this morning but the sun and some warmer temps are to return later this week. Our fall has been pretty soggy.

Our leaves have hardly started to turn this fall. You will be lucky to find one in my backyard with this much color! I do hope that changes soon.

When I posted about pumpkin pie spice last week, one of my blogger friends asked me about allspice. So, I did some research and was surprise to learn about the spice all of us have in our spice cupboard.
Allspice is a scrub that produces berries. Most of it is grown in Jamaica. The berries are harvested and dried in the sun. It has the smell of cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves with a hint of juniper and peppercorns. That explains why it has such a lovely smell.

The berries are a bit bigger than peppercorns. When they are dry and ground, they have a lovely reddish color. Now I want to buy the berries to grind for baking. See what you learn when blogging?

If you are in need of the spice for baking and have run out, you may use this formula for making your own. 1/2 tsp cinnamon, 1/2 tsp nutmeg and 1/2 tsp cloves. If that is too strong for you, use only 1/4 tsp of the nutmeg and cloves.

I am going to start my fall cleaning and fall decorating today. I love to decorate at this time of the year.
One more cup of coffee and I need to get going! Happy October.


  1. I love October too, Linda. My first born was also born in Oct and my first grand baby was also born in October. Great post!...Christine

  2. lovely post, im trying to crochet autumn things...but with a full time job is hard many times...i love your you crochet? your welcome to join...loves soraya

  3. Isn't it amazing it's October already?

  4. October is my favorite month, too. I just love those turning leaves. I enjoyed learning about allspice! I love the scent and I always use a little in my apple pie. Enjoy this 1st day of October, Linda! Hugs xoxo

  5. But it's not too good in a pepper mill if the hubby confuses it for peppercorns! lol

  6. :-) I'm always learning new things on these blogs, too. One of the reason I love blog-ville so much!

  7. Hello, hello! Fall decorating? What fun! I LOVE Fall too. I also love nutmeg, cinnamon and ginger...sure makes a difference to grind your own nutmeg when baking. I also use fresh nutmeg on cooked spinach- just a pinch or two. How is everything with you? Rain, eh? It has been hot and dry here, so feel free to send some raindrops to me. :)
