
Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Gifts of Kindness and Friendship for Grandma and Grandpa!

Our friends have been so sweet and kind to help us celebrate the birth of our first grand baby~Prince Otto!
I am just so taken back by these wonderful friends. It is a JOY to have your friends so excited and wishing us the best as grandparents. They know we have waited so long for this. Thank you for your kindness and for honoring us.

A fantastic G'ma and G'pa gift arrived from Montana! are amazing! You sure know how to make old Jimmy and I feel very special. Thank you, thank you!!!

A whole box of goodies for the grandma and grandpa. Books,Burt's Bees box, Butt Paste, and two special books for Otto! And of course, a rubber duckie!

We just couldn't believe these darling books just for Otto. Uncle Eric will like the one about cars!

We got the biggest kick out of this little gift. It was for Jimmy so he could "toast" the Prince. So funny!

My friend Nancy gave me this book....hummmmmm....not sure I can be a perfect grandma! Cute book and lots of good advise.

Cards have been arriving ones everyday. A couple cute ones here to share. I found this adorable feeding dish for baby at the Goodwill. It's made in England and so cute!

More books for Grandma and Grandpa's library. LaVonne had given us the truck book and the farm book when she was here in May.

My friend Sue, a grandmother herself, sent me the darling one about ladybugs. So cute! Thanks to all!

I was very touched that my friend Suzanne so far away in MA sent this darling little outfit and another great book for baby Otto. Thanks so much...very thoughtful indeed!

Gina stayed one more night and we stayed up talking until 2 AM! It was time for her to go back to Seattle after helping her sister. We just so enjoyed her visit. Love ya Gina!

I love this picture of Ms Ava and Prince Otto! She is being such a big helper and a good big sister. Looks like she's got it all figured out.

This is Otto doing what he does best right now...sleep, sleep, sleep. Angie took him for a check up and he isn't gaining enough weight. She has to keep nursing him and supplement with some formula.Of course she was all concerned tonight. They have to go back in on Friday and check him out. SO MUCH to learn as a new mommy.

Such a sweetie and a blessing.

Again, a big heartfelt thank you for your good wishes, prayers, cards and gifts. 


  1. Is the little guy's name really Otto or is that just his blog name? :) It's cute no matter what! Being a grandma is the best and you will be a wonderful one. It is certainly different having boys though after having a girl! I never had to worry about Elsie's aim,or her pivoting as she talked while peeing. :)

  2. Looks like you have great friends and fun!!!

  3. Oh my GOSH, Linda. What a sweet little cherub Otto is. And AVA is such an attentive sister.

    So happy for all of you. Susan

  4. :-) This makes me so happy....for YOU!
