
Thursday, July 4, 2013

Happy 4th of July

Happy 4th of July! I hope you enjoyed your holiday and spent some time thinking about your country and what it means to live in America. Things have changed and I may not like all of these changes, but I am still thankful to live in a free country.
Jim and I canceled out plans for today as I am still fighting this cold and cough. I just don't have much energy for much of anything. I have been watching a lot of really interesting programs on PBS this holiday season.

It's just getting dark here in Oregon and the fireworks have begun in the neighborhood. Boom, boom, boom!

One of the programs I watched was called Anthem and it was the story of our national anthem written by Francis Scott Key. I would guess that you feel as I do that it's a difficult song to sing. After watching the show, I will never quite feel the same now that I know the history behind the song.

I also watched one on Lady Liberty...the Statue of Liberty. I do hope that I will get to see it someday before my life is over! It reopened today after being closed for eight months after hurricane Sandy did quite a bit of damage to the surrounding grounds and Ellis Island. What a grand lady!

Of course we have to think of our first president on this day!

And of course, I can't forget Mr Lincoln, one of my favorites. Tonight I heard someone on TV say that no other president has done as much to save our country as Lincoln did. This year is also the 150th anniversary of the battle of Gettsyburg. I wish  I could make a visit there too.

So as the day slips away with a big bang, I find myself thinking about my ancestors who so bravely left their homeland to come to AMERICA! Happy Birthday America. God Bless America!

1 comment:

  1. I hope you are felling better very soon, dear friend! Thinking of you and praying for you.

    Love and hugs!
