
Tuesday, June 25, 2013

The Countdown to Baby Otto!

 The countdown is on for Baby Otto's arrival! The due date is July 25th, so we are all trying to get ready for the baby. Angie is done with work now and can get things finished up and ready for this little bundle. I am finally doing this blog post on the baby shower that was a month ago. It was really fun and a nice gathering of Chris and Angie's friends, as well as friends of the family that have watched our girls grow up.

The fantastic stork and table that greeted all to Baby Otto's open house shower. It was at Chris and Angie's home and was a very fun party! The weather was perfect and the food was soooo yummy.

A cute side photo of Angie and baby! Everything was decorated and very BLUE! After two girls, Miss Ava and lots of was so different to be surrounded by blue!

Auntie Gina came down from Seattle with her friend Rachel. Angie is pinning on "Grandpa Jimmy's" name tag. Such a happy day.

One proud daddy and one proud grandpa~Note the meatballs on Grandpa Jimmy's plate! YUM.

Ava, Grandma Linda and Grandpa Jimmy! Lots of fun! Their backyard is just so beautiful.

A girl has to have sparkle red shoes for these special dress up occasions!

Ava and her daddy being silly! Can you see where Ava lost her first tooth?

We were just thrilled that so many of our friends were able to stop by. Nancy, Pat and Linda are having a nice chat. LaVonne's daughter and SIL brought her out to surprise us! So sweet. I am sorry I didn't get their pictures. Missed the photo op with Len and Gloria, Sha and Molly and MJ. Thanks so much you guys for coming. Sorry Grandma Linda didn't get pictures.

Erin and Marley have been family friends FOREVER! So good to have you both at the shower! Ava and Marley had so much fun together!

Angie had two good helpers to open ALL the wonderful gifts for Baby Otto.

I just LOVE this picture of my daughter and Ava. Angie is so good with Ava and has waited a very long time to be a mama. She's so good with kids.

Lots of presents!

This gal gave Angie a quilt that had been given to her son. He was ready to pass it on. I think they are holding it upside down! It's a darling retro cowboy print. When they add on, they want to decorate the baby's room in a vintage cowboy theme.

Another sweet picture of my first born Angela. We love you guys and can't wait for the next member of the family. Enjoy this time my sweet daughter.


  1. Exciting times ahead for Grandma Linda :)Very nice party for baby Otto-How sweet the name :)

  2. Hello from Spain: Congratulations to Angie. A baby is always great news. I'm glad you finally come the boy. Nice family photos. Lots of fun. Keep in touch

  3. The best times ever is having a grandbabie come into your life..I have nine now and each one is a joy..I wish you and your daughter the best and baby to come .. The shower looks like a grand time lovely pictures... and I want to thank you so much for your sweet comment.. I think that I don't get a lot of comments because I don't do give away's I really don't know. I do have a lot of readers sometimes like 75 or more a day but folks just don't speak a lot..but I appreciate you thank you..have a very blessed day..Hugs with love Janice

  4. I so enjoyed this post, and I'm so happy for your family!
    It looks like Baby Otto couldn't be any luckier to enter into a family full of love and friends!
    Let the Coutdown Begin!
    Erica :)
    p.s love the cowboy quilt!!!

  5. Ohhhh, Linda. That was a great post. I'm so happy for all of you! Susan

  6. What a sweet baby shower for your new Grandson! Thank you for sharing!

  7. Lovely post, everything was delightful, I enjoyed the post. The best to all of you when baby arrives. I can just imagine the excitement that is going on, the due date is almost here. Blessings...Lu

  8. What a wonderful gathering of family and friends, as you celebrate this special time in your lives. I can't wait to be a Grandma, someday!

  9. Congratulations on your impending joyful event! What a great little OTTO table - love the stork! Looks like a joyful time with family and friends - much love in your home . . . Also enjoyed seeing Robin's house - kindred spirit, indeed! Just posted my latest teatime with forget-me-nots and a recipe!

  10. Lovely and happy photos of fun times. Looks like everyone was enjoying this. I have not heard the name Otto used for a newborn for a long, long time.

  11. How exciting, Linda! Congrats- bet you can't wait. The quilt is darling. I am looking forward to being a grandmother someday. The party stork was so cute :)
