
Thursday, May 2, 2013

First Friday Tasha Tudor Book Review~THE SPRINGS OF JOY

May Day and springtime have arrived so I am choosing THE SPRINGS OF JOY by Tasha Tudor for my book review for the merry month of May. The book was first published by Rand McNally in 1979. The book is 64 pages with beautiful floral end papers. This is the copy that I own. I like the illustration of the picnic on the front cover.

The book cover was changed in 1998 when it was reprinted by Simon and Schuster. The size of the book was changed just a tiny bit from 12" x 9 1/2" to 11" x 9 7/32...what an odd measurement.

The book is filled with wonderful illustrations by Tasha. She uses inspirational quotes from famous  writers including Shakespeare, Mark Twain, Thoreau and even Mother Goose. She states that there is no beginning, no end and no message to this book! I think there is a message though....a positive message about the lovely things in life and nature that can bring us great JOY.

Sweet gentle pictures by Tasha-children and corgis!

I love this illustration. This is so Tasha...frock and all.

This is one of her "blue tone" illustrations that you see so often in her books. I have stated before, I don't really like these pictures. I wonder why she added one or more so often in her work.

In THE SPRINGS OF JOY, you will find her childhood home, corgis, her grandchildren and even herself.

It's lilac time in Oregon, so I had to share this page. I love her drawing of the lilac.

Of course, this page has Tasha's signature floral border. One of my most favorite things about her work.
Just a simple book with lovely illustrations. Do enjoy! Happy May...plant some flowers!


  1. I love the illustrations in the book....Christine

  2. What a pretty book! I love Tasha Tudor. I see you're in Oregon too...we're in Pendleton. Visiting you from Sandi's HOME party. Hope you're having a nice week. I've posted the new Homemaking Party for the week and would love to have you link up, if you'd like!

    Mrs. Sarah Coller

  3. I secretly want to be Tasha Tudor. Imagine drawing beautiful pictures, living off the grid in a mountain homestead and surrounding youself with animals you love! Lovely post.

  4. SO sweet! You mentioned you do not like the 'blue' drawing, but that one is my Favorite!! Love the soft blue monochrome and moonlight feel. Happy May :)

  5. It's always fun visiting you Linda and I also like learning about Tasha from you.It would be so nice really being your neighbor so I could hang out with you :)OXDenise

  6. Charming, charming, infinitely charming. Love the lines, too, on the lilac page. SOOOOOO, meaningful.

    Thanks for sharing, Linda. Nice job! Susan

  7. Tasha Tudor-oh the magical, whimsical and simple beauty of life-I want to step inside her books!
    Sweet and Happy Hugs!

  8. Thanks for the reminder of this gem, Linda - I have it in my collection but haven't looked at it for a while now. Tasha's skills seem just as fresh today as they ever were, don't they?

  9. I never read Tasha Tutor, In fact I haven't read a book in a long time.. I think it's time to take a trip to the local Library and see her books...The illustrations are very nice..with love Janice
