
Friday, April 5, 2013

Snail Mail

Don't you love it when you find real letters in your mailbox? Four in one day!

Duane gave us the bid on the cottage tonight and it's a go! He should start next week. I am so excited.


  1. Four in one day?? You are a rockstar. :) I love sending and receiving snail mail.


  2. I love snail mail also... It is so nice to receive.

  3. Hi Linda. Yes, it's always nice to have hand written notes in the mail. Rare, too.

    But do I write many? Noooooo. So what do I expect? Ha!

    Hope you have a lovely weekend.

    Thanks for all your visits to my blog. They are sooooo appreciated. We love our "labors of love," don't we? And when guests come to visit, it's even better! Susan

  4. Snail mail is the best! It's always a joy to get hand-written letters :)

    Hugs and love,

  5. Dear lady Linda...

    You're right .... There's nothing better than mail in the mailbox( ha ha)... I enjoy seeing and smelling the paper that letters are written on... It give a sense of that personal friendship from me to you ..unless it's a bill of course( hee hee)... I know you will have wonderful times and memories with you new cottage ...Big Hugs
