
Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Teacup Thursday #77

I am a total "dishes" addict.  To me, a set of dishes for sale at a good price is like a puppy needing a good home! We were at a sale a few weeks ago and I spotted a box of dishes and thought it was a Johnson Brother's pattern. Yes indeed! I can spot Johnson Brothers a mile away.

It's called Fruit Sampler and is a part of the Old Granite line. I have another pattern marked Old Granite called Lancaster. I know Lancaster was made in the 1950's so I'm thinking this one probably was too. I got the whole box for $20 and have been able to find some more pieces on Ebay. I think I'm going to order the salad plates next. I just love all the colors and everyone knows that I love brown!

The cup and saucer have an apple in the center. The dinner plate has a pear which makes it fun. Don't you love the trim?

I tried a new tea tonight that I just purchased for fall. It's called African Autumn . It's made by a company that I really like-Harney & Sons. They are always introducing a new blend! This is a combo of Rooibos (which I love) with cranberry and orange. Yummy!

I love that this tea comes in a colorful tin. It's fun to buy things in tins because they are great to use once the tin is empty....recycle!  I love old tins that have survived over the years. This is a spice box that I have from the 1880's. The spices were saved and treasured in this box instead of a tin. It's a great decorative piece for fall too. It has individual spice containers inside.

I do have some old tins in my kitchen that are perfect for fall too. Great colors and fun tins to own.

"Autumn, the year's last, loveliest smile."   William Cullen Bryant   Enjoy these fall days!

Thanks to Miss Spenser's Teacup Thursday........ Always a pleasure to participate.


  1. How beautiful and festive for Fall. The trim is stunning and really catches your eye :) Thanks for sharing! Have a wonderful day!


  2. Great china find. I feel the same way. Cannot resist. Love your tins too especially the teapot one.
    Have a great day, Ruthie from:

  3. My dd is the same way. She has bought so my dishes from Christmas House. I love them to but no money and no space. Where do you put all your tea cups and dishes? I love this post lots of fun things. The spice box is awesome too. I love the regular cranberry autumn tea they make I'm not a fan of the red tea.

  4. Oooooooo, Linda. What a lovely set of china. wow wow wow. I'd have bought that, too. I TRY to refrain from buying more dishes. Really I do.But I'm a dish addict, too! ha! You know how that goes.

    Take care, Linda, and have a good evening. Susan

  5. Hi Linda,
    What a sweet teacup! I am totally into china too. I can't help myself! If you happen to stop by to have a peek at my teacups this week, it is a couple posts down. It did a Pink Tea for Breast Cancer Awareness. Hope you have a fabulous weekend, my friend.


  6. What a beautiful fall teacup! I love Johnson Brother's teacups!! And, your tea tins, so pretty!!! Such a nice blog! Sleep is eluding me tonight, so I am having fun catching up on some blog reading!! ~Donna

  7. Your fruit sampler dishes are just perfect for this time of year! What a perfect find! And I love the warm honey tones in your spice box and tea tins. It all looks so lovely together.

  8. My Lady Linda! Yes - I can spot a Johnson Brothers pretty quick, too - and you surely found a treasure at a bargain of a price! Trouble is - where to keep it all! I am getting some new space opening up in my house when my daughter moves out after the wedding in just three weeks! Ya! Must control myself, though - I need the space for what I already have - not for new things!!
