
Sunday, July 8, 2012

Reminder....Is Your Heart Good?

I really didn't have a very nice day today as I had a lot on my mind. I was thinking tonight about my theme for the year...Is Your Heart Good? I have to say, my heart wasn't too good today! I was getting ready for bed when I saw this little painted rock in on my dresser. Last May when we went to Maupin, I found this rock with a sweet little message from my little friend Eli. It just touched my heart and was so dear to me. He's quite shy, so he will never really know much it means to me. He wouldn't even admit that he left if on the doorstep. So, thank you little buddy for my gift and for reminding me that I need to work on keeping my heart good. Tomorrow's a new day and a new week.I'll be trying to work on being more positive and thankful. A bit of praise time would be in order!


  1. Che bello!Sembra una torta!Buona settimana!Rosetta

  2. Well,you were so good to Me.I got home from surgery with your lovely sweet gift waiting for me.Thank you so much Linda ,sweet thing,yes you are good :)Hugs and a kiss-Denise

  3. A nice reflection and a sweet reminder~ Blessings, shawn

  4. What a sweet little gift with a wonderful meaning!...Christine

  5. This is so sweet - a wonderful reminder to check our hearts! I'm doing fine - I hope you have a blessed week,

  6. Hi Linda.

    You know what? Some days are good and some are crappy. That's just part of life. Loved your little painted rock.

    When my heart is heavy and I start to complain, it's usually time for a gratitude list. That does the trick every time.

    Thanks for your visits and comments to my blog. Love when you stop by. Susan

  7. what a sweet little gift from a dear person. I love it especially cause I collect hearts. One day my brother-n-law was over and we were having cheese and wine, you know the ones with the red waxy cover? well he took the red wax off of his cheese and molded me a heart. I treasure it. Hugs...Lu
