
Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Michael Wood's Story of England

I've been watching this series on OPB our local PBS station. I love history and have been learning so much from this series. It's well done and informative. Michael Wood is an historian and takes you through the entire history of the area of Kibworth. Quite a journey from the Romans to the present.

One of my favorite parts is the digs they do in the town and all the neat things they find. All done by local people. Wouldn't that be fun!

Have to wait until next Tuesday for the next episode...sigh.


  1. Hi Linda...Haven't heard of that series. Sounds interesting. Susan

  2. I. Want. This. DVD. I'll have to keep a lookout for its release!!! LOVE this! Love England - and always wanted to be an archeologist! So, I fill my home with relics and tell their stories. I don't have cable but may look this up to see if any episodes are running online.
