
Friday, March 30, 2012

March Goes Out Like A Lion

Well, March 2012 is going out like a LION! Tons of rain, flooding and wind has been the ticket for most of this week. We are experiencing a bit of a break now, but more rain is on the way tonight. Just about a 1/2 inch more and we will have a new record for the rainiest March on record. It's dark and wet and just soggy! Longing for some sunshine. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh - love your lion! We have clouds here and cooler temps from earlier in the month. Had planned a star gazing tour for our home school network for tomorrow - but clouds and rain again!

    Linda - thank you so much for the prayer support. I know that time to process a very disturbing confrontation is what's wanting. God will bring the healing - and the protection - from mercenary minds. Just not designed for such things, I guess.

    Thank you for your sisters in Christ love from afar! Blessings & hugs!

