
Monday, March 5, 2012

Another Great Show for Jimmy!

Jim had another very good show this past weekend at the Expo Antique and Collectable Show in Portland.
We are so thankful. He had a great time and is such a natural! We met so many nice people.
Our wonderful handyman and friend, Duane, helps us transport and load and unload everything and makes all of this possible. Of course these two old folk are pretty tired puppies today.

Enjoy the pix of his goods...his booth looked great. I remembered to take pictures before the sale this time!

Gina and Eric drove down from Seattle for the show. We got to see them for a short time and hugs~time together is always good! 


  1. Wow! Looks like an interesting booth, Linda. I'd LOVE to have a booth at a flea market. I think it would be a lot of work but SO MUCH FUN. Good for you and Jim! Susan

  2. How I would love to show up and browse your wonderful booth (and chat too, of course!) You both have such great taste...and everything looks so good! Glad you did well and had a good time, too! (and I'm really glad you had help loading and unloading. That's hard on the back!)


  3. Oh wow! what a wonderful booth, could spend some time there admiring and perhaps buying too. Hugs...Lu
