
Sunday, July 24, 2011

Honey Bees and Herbs

I was able to work most of the day yesterday in my garden. Oh my, the weeds, the weeds. This cool summer and lack of sunshine has grown a carpet of weeds. I like to plant herbs in my flower beds and let them flower to attract the bees. I love to hear the hum while I'm working right along with the bees. Anyway, I was thinking of the bees and looked up some information about the dying of our little friends. One thing I can do is limit the pesticides and plant things, like herbs, that attract the bees. I can do this!
I found a great company Country Cottage Primitives online with tempting products and a wonderful offering of of bee skeps. This picture is from their garden! Lovely.
Oh course the book THE SECRET LIVES OF BEES popped into my head. I loved the book and enjoyed the movie.
So, happy humming bees~keep visiting my garden please!


  1. I love bee skeps and always have one in my back yard! Enjoy your gardening :)

  2. I love honey bees!! Let me know what you think of that book!! Love your artwork pictures on the side bar too! Donna
