It was just beautiful yesterday...sunny and warm. I bought some flowers and then spent most of the day digging and planting in my yard! Jim took the tarp off of my potting table and set up our table and chairs for summer fun. Our handyman came over around 3 PM and helped trim the grass and did more weeding in the backyard for me. I think we may have finally conquered the weeds, at least for a time. It was such a joy to be outside.
I hope to get a few foxgloves and daisies today to finish up. I need to make a trip to one of my favorite nurseries soon to buy a nice hanging plant for the front. The backyard means a lot of potting so I need to decide what plants. I hope to plant more herbs in the little herb section. The bees were loving the rosemary. I love herbs. I have to reseed my scatter garden too and then I can start to enjoy the work.
I've had dirt under my nails several times this week - can't wait till it stays warm. It is snowing today in the mountains but we are 60 degrees and ready!