
Saturday, March 5, 2011

Joy in the month of March

I was reading my past posts to remind myself about where I am going to try to find JOY this month....Joy in sewing and quilting! I forgot!
Peggy and I had to cancel our March retreat due to 4 of our customers canceling on us. Very sad, not sure what's going on. These are difficult times for people and the price of gas just keeps going up too. I was relieved yet it just made me sad for a few days. I'm moving past that now and am trying to find joy again.
So, I'm going to spend sometime doing what I'd like to do. Gina can't come home for spring break this year and Jim will be going to Illinois to help out with his mom, so I will have lots of extra time for whatever I want to do.
I went to visit Bev and Roy yesterday, my doll friends. I need to start sewing some doll clothes...good idea for the month!
The weatherman is promising some sunshine today! Haven't seen the sun for weeks.


  1. Oh sorry to hear about the cancellation of the classes....I am sure you were disappointed, rightly so!!

    Joy...that's a word I am trying to relish at the moment too..."Joy in all things..." Sometimes it's really hard. I had kept a gratitude journal many years ago...started the kids on one for themselves too...maybe that would be a good place to return...list 5 things you are grateful for every day.

    1) Grateful for my sweet, creative friend Linda!! (SMILES)

    Off to finish righting the other 4....Hope you have a good week my friend!

  2. March is going to be really busy for me with the second half of session and Malachi's birthday, but maybe we can get together one Saturday in April. I'll check with my daughter and see what her schedule is and we can drive down for an afternoon of sewing. My Annabelle needs a new dress for spring.
