
Friday, December 31, 2010

Goodbye 2010

December 31st and the New Year is almost here. We had such a fun time at the beach and during the holiday. It was nice to have Jim home now that he is retired. The weather is cold and clear today with a bit of wind.
Duane is making good progress on the buildings. We have decided to add doors with windows for better light and a tighter fit. They are looking so cute. I have been taking photos of his progress.
I'm working on some thoughts for the New Year and will post again later today or tonight.
Here's a few pictures from the season.
Looking back over the year, it's been another busy one. Knee surgery for Jim, moving dad into unassisted living, emptying his home, an estate sale at his house and now renting it, fishing trips, hunting trips, putting on three quilt retreats, going to Maupin retreats, 4th of July in Idaho with Allyn's family, trips to Illinois for Jim to care for his mom, Jim's RETIREMENT in August, Gina's visits from New Mexico, a trip with Angie to Clarice's book signing, LaVonne's visit from MT, meeting new Tasha friends and spending time with some we already had met, my birthday trip to Poulsbo with Jim (fabulous shopping and food),Gina getting her driver's license, Angie setting up a booth in an antique shop,becoming a dealer at the antique shows....lots and lots and lots of activity! Of course, sad times and trial too as with everyone's life. We keep moving forward and praying that God will give us the strength to survive.
Oh, I see that LaVonne has a new will have to find that and start adding my friend's links to my blog....growing and getting better, I hope!
I seem to have cut off some of my post when I added more pictures...hummm....too hard to go back and edit, so it is what it is!


  1. I hope we'll be able to get together again soon. I'll be confined to Saturdays for the next 4 months though with session. No days off till its done! :)

  2. Love it, Linda! A year in review!
