
Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Valentine's Dinner

It was such a miserable wet and windy day yesterday on Valentine's Day! Duane came out to see about the roof on my cottage and I felt so bad for him, up on the roof in the wind! He said about 8 shingles were missing on the backside. He came over today and replaced them, so I am thankful.

Jimmy brought me roses and these are so lovely. They are named Arleen and I love the old fashioned look. Isn't the color so pretty? He is so faithful about bringing me flowers and  I do love it.

Otto and his mommy stopped by and brought me this fun little box of candy. He thinks the Hershey's miniatures are funny little candy bars. I'm not supposed to be eating candy, so these are treats. I will share them with him when he stops by. He had to show us his Valentine's from his preschool party. It sure is exciting to be 3 years old!.

We stayed in for dinner, so I set a little table and fixed a simple meal. We are going away this weekend, so we will have a nice dinner out in Astoria at one of Jimmy's favorite restaurants.

I fixed turkey meatloaf, green beans and a baked red sweet potato. It was simple but yummy.  All low sodium too.

Jimmy brought some chocolate dipped strawberries home for dessert. They were very good. I love to use my sterling silver strawberry forks. This is the pair I bought in New England on my first trip back there for our first Tasha Tudor Gathering.

Just for fun, I had to wear my Valentine socks! It turned out to be a pretty nice day and dinner was good...especially with my sweetie. 


  1. Sounds lovely. I love the table. So very sweet all the "Happy's" you received.

  2. Sounds like a wonderful dinner. Loved the strawberry forks, even better when they hold such beautiful memories of buying them.

  3. What a lovely Valentine dinner for you two. My late Beloved and I used to stay in, too, and avoid the crowds. Your table looked so pretty and your meal was perfect. Jim sure picked out some pretty roses for you! ❤️

  4. Linda, it looks as you had a lovely Valentine's Day! Yes, those roses are just Jim also keeps me in flowers quite often and if your Jim is like mine, there doesn't have to even be a special occasion. Your table is so beautiful and yours is about the 4th or 5th blogger who has posted those GORGEOUS red transfer ware dishes...they are just so pretty! Enjoy your weekend away!

  5. Oh Linda, that looks like a great little Valentine's evening. Your table looks so sweet and the strawberry forks are wonderful, I just recently bought one.
    Take care,
