
Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Tea Time Tuesday #152

Tea cups, tea cups and more tea cups! We made a stop at a favorite antique shop when we were up on the Washington peninsula a few weeks back. The shop shop is called The Long Beach Peninsula Trading Post. We stopped there last summer on our vacation and I couldn't wait to return!

Rows and rows of pretty dishes to admire and dream about.

I think I feature this set last summer, but I'm still in love with it all!.

I did find a treasure for spring, so I will feature that in an upcoming blog spot.

Books galore.....

Fishing goodies....

Lots of fun kitchen items....

Kitchen tins....

Lots of dollies...

More dollies....

AND my Jimmy!

Sneaky shot by Jimmy!

Here's the shop!

Long Beach is a really fun ocean spot to visit. It's still family friendly and a bit small town.
We enjoyed some very fine seafood meals too.


  1. Was Jimmy very patient while you bonded with all those tea cups? Good husband! Lots of sweet tea cups, what a collection!

  2. As many lovely dolls. All I would want to have. Greetings.

  3. What a lot of great treasures, a great place to browse.

  4. Wow, that looks like an awesome antiques shop! Did you buy anything?

  5. WOW...what a great place to get lost in!
