
Monday, February 13, 2017

February 13th

It was a challenging day! The electricity went out around 11:00 AM and was out until 2:00 PM. A huge Douglas fir tree went down on Troutdale Road, about six blocks from our home. I drove by about 4:00 pm and they were still cleaning up the mess. Luckily, the tree did not hit the house, but it did destroy the fence, fell on the power lines and the tree ended up blocking the street.

The wind was blowing so very hard that the shingles on my studio cottage were blowing off! Our handyman Duane is going to come out tomorrow and see what he can do before the rains come back on Wednesday! The wind is still blowing tonight with sustained wind at 35 mph. Occasionally the house just shakes with the big gusts. We have had so much wind this winter.

This weekend, Jim and I are going to the Washington coast for a few days. I am so excited to join my Tasha Tudor friend Diane at her lovely home for the first meeting of the Pacific NW Tasha Tudor Museum Chapter group. We have been working on this for over a year. Diane is providing the tea and I am doing a craft project. This photo shows what I was doing today! Lots of goodies and treats are all ready for the gathering. I will show them in detail after our meeting. I don't want to show too much right now and spoil the fun. All the ladies are getting really excited. Dolls are invited and there will be a tiny Valentines too!

1 comment:

  1. What damage, that weather jet very nonfavourable. I hope, that your meeting Tasha Tudor will be excellent and will arrive a lot of dolls. Willingly I will see many photographs. Nice celebrating!
