
Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Tea Time Tuesday #129

It's almost 9:30 PM and the snow is piling up tonight, even with the East wind blowing! The weather man didn't think we would get this much...surprise! This has really been a winter for us. I don't even know if we had a hard freeze last winter. My teacher sisters just got word that school is closed again tomorrow. This makes day 6 of their snow days used up, so they will have to make it up in June at the end of the school year. I don't think they really care. My daughter Angie works for one of the school districts and she will be home tomorrow too. No Grandma and Papa day with Otto tomorrow.

This photo is out my front door. The walk way is covered after the ice finally melted off today. There is still ice under the snow from our weekend storm. I live in East Multnomah county and we are always the last to thaw out! Jimmy had to drive me to my Dr appointment yesterday as there was so much ice. I don't like the ice!

I stopped to have a little cup of tea and a snack this afternoon after I got my Etsy orders packed up. I found this mug and little plate at a flea market last summer. It's made by Johnson Brothers. I love collecting Johnson Brothers dinnerware, but this is a pattern I have never seen.

 I love the colors and the scene is lovely. The blues are so pretty. I'm not sure where the town would be, but it does look like a European village to me.

I always love a little design inside the cup or mug.

The pattern is called Dream Town. Maybe it isn't really a town at all...just an imaginary one.

I had a great check up with my doctor and didn't gain any weight over the holiday. I did enjoy a few sweets but now it's time to get back to my healthy eating. I decided to have some yummy yogurt with my tea. I love yogurt so it's a treat for me.

I decided to enjoy one of my tea time books while I was taking my break. I have had this book for years and I really enjoy it. It is composed of 13 little visits and recipes from ladies in England. Each story is very different and it's fun to read about their lives.

On of the ladies in her home.

One of the recipes...yum yum yummy.

These next few photos are of our ice storm just last Saturday,Sunday and into Monday morning.

The street is a sheet of ice and ice was beginning to coat everything when I took this photo.

We also had very strong East winds before the ice storm. During the night, it blew our BBQ away from the house and over on it's side. Yes, it is ruined.

I have spent so many days at home this past December and so far in January. I am all decorated for Valentine's Day and have been using the time to read and rest. I hope to do a little hand work on a kit that a friend sent to me. I am longing to get back to my more creative's been a long 5 months of doctoring and labs and appointments. I have 4 more this month. I am thankful that I am doing well. My doctor said my coloring was great and I was looking so much better. That made me feel good to hear that from my doctor.

Well, I wonder how much more snow we will have in the morning? It's really pretty. 


  1. We also have a hard winter, but the school was closed only one day. There is much snow and frost of -10 degrees Celsius this morning. I am greeting warmly.

  2. We are having quite a mild Winter thus far, we are predicted some snow on Thursday but time will tell. Glad to hear you are doing to much better. Love the teacup, I have never come across that pattern before, a real delight to see.

  3. Good morning, lovely friend! I so enjoyed your snow pictures...are you tucked away in your cozy home right now? Oh, I hope so! We enjoy snow last week and this week we've had freezing rain - yuck!

    What a beautiful tea time and your tea set is so sweet and charming! Thinking of you and sending LOTS of LOVE your way!

  4. Hello, Dear Linda, it is so good to hear that your health is improving and you are looking forward to getting back to enjoying some favorite past-times once again. The Johnson Brother's tea cup and saucer is wonderful and so unusual in blue. My goodness, that must have been some very strong wind to blow over your outdoor grill! The snow looks lovely, but I am sure you are tired of it. We are getting snow here this morning, too. Take good care. Hugs xo Karen

  5. I love that cup. It is so sweet. I am sorry about your BBQ. Im decorating for Valentines this weekend. I would probably enjoy that book. Stay warm.
