
Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Tea Time Tuesday #125

I had a late afternoon cup of tea today after a busy day. I had to clean the house today and go grocery shopping before fixing dinner. My feet gave way about noon, so that made the day difficult. I cannot wait to see the podiatrist on Dec 5th. I wear my boot when I can but somedays I don't get much relief from it. Today was one of those days...sigh. My photos are a bit dark as it was a stormy November day here in the Pacific NW. Tea was comforting this afternoon.

Fall is almost gone and many of my friends have their Christmas decorations up  now. I just am such a fall person that I get sad when I have to pack my treasures away. So I wanted to share some of my acorn goodies. I love acorns.

My good friend gave me this little fall teapot a few years back. It's just right for on cup of tea.

I've had this set of hand painted little china plates forever. The colors are so soft...I like the muted colors of November.

I like this little acorn dish too. I just keep little bits and pieced in it. I made the acorn pincushions when I was running quilt retreats. LaVonne sent me the tops and i filled them with emery sand. Everyone loved them and they sharpen your sewing needles.

And now for my lovely cup and saucer. It is very delicate and is decorated with oak leave and acorns.

Notice the soft tones on this one too.

It's marked Austria but that's all I know about it. I know some of my tea friends are so knowledgable about markings...I am not.

This is my new tea...Harvest Pear Rooibos. YUMMY! This is a new brand of tea for me.

I purchased it last Saturday at my favorite shop in Aurora. It was a fun little adventure on the way home from Salem.

Lots of goodies in this shoppe! So many teacups.

So I enjoyed my little tea break this afternoon. Gina will be home tomorrow after I babysit Otto. I need to get a good night's sleep to keep up with that busy 3 year old.


  1. Hi Linda, we are on the same page about Fall, I love it too and don't hurry it away! And I adore acorns too, and on my latest post have some acorn flatware and paper mache acorns shown. Your teapot is so lovely, handpainted it looks like? And the teacup, I like it too! And the pincushions are adorable. The antique shop looks like a good one.
    Take care and happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!

  2. Such beautiful Autumn décor, a real delight to see I am so glad that you shared them with us. Hope you get some relief soon with your feet. Enjoy little Otto and have some fun creating some lovely memories. Take care.

  3. What a lovely post - thank you for inviting us to your tea time.

  4. You have lovely acorns motiv dishes.But atumn is gone, we have first snow last week.
