
Sunday, November 27, 2016

Sunday Thoughts.....Hope and Anticipation

It's the first Sunday of Advent! I love the custom of the Advent wreath and although we didn't have one when I was growing up, I have always enjoyed having one  in our home since our children were little. It helps me focus on my Lord during all the business of the Christmas season. I like to sit in my tea room in the mornings and have that quiet time before the day begins. I love soft candlelight and find it calming.

I also try to find devotionals or prayers for the season. It's good to have new readings to ponder over each year.  Of course, I love the HOPE candle and oh, don't we all need hope? I was doing some reading this morning about waiting and anticipation.

The Jewish people were longing for the Messiah. They were filled with hope as they waited for His coming. As a Christian, I believe that hope was fulfilled with the birth of that little baby in that humble manger. God kept his promise. So as we prepare our hearts for Christmas, we are thankful for that first coming.

So, where does the anticipation come into the picture? As Christians, we know the second coming of Christ will happen someday. Are we ready for that promise too? Do we think about that? When you wait for something, there is an anticipation about it all! During that time, you are actually preparing for something. It hit me this morning. Waiting with anticipation! It means we are also full of hope and waiting with excitement.

As Christ hasn't returned yet, He has given us this time to prepare. So think about that today. How can you use this beautiful season of Advent to prepare and anticipate your Lord? Prepare you heart for Christmas and remember His first coming, but go beyond that. God keeps His promises. 


  1. Hello dear Linda~~ What a beautifully written post on preparing our hearts for God's coming, both as a babe in a manger (our Savior) and for His return that is yet to come (our King of Kings)
    Thank you for sharing your beauty with us.

    Much love~~

  2. Hello dear Linda~~ What a beautifully written post on preparing our hearts for God's coming, both as a babe in a manger (our Savior) and for His return that is yet to come (our King of Kings)
    Thank you for sharing your beauty with us.

    Much love~~
