
Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Tuesday Treasures and the Expo Show

This past weekend was taken up with Jim's Expo Antique and Collectible show. I usually don't find too many treasures but I sure did this time! The little bird in the cage is a music box. Someday, I hope to find one like Tasha Tudor owned but this was just sweet and didn't cost too much.

The pink lusterware teapot was a find and a bargain. As I shared before, the one from Vermont arrived broken last summer and the the one from Concord MA won't hold water, so I have been hoping to find one to use with all the lovely teacups I do have!  I couldn't resist this one for $26!

When I decorate for Easter in my tea room, I like to add my Peter Rabbit items. I have been adding to my collection of the Beatrix Potter figures that go with her little book. I love Mrs Tiggy Winkle and I found her at the show.

Another sweet addition...Hunca Munca.

One of the vendors at the show often has Tasha Tudor books. He knows I'm a collector, so he usually brings something I can't seem to resist. I had this little "Tasha Tudor's Treasure" but this copy has
sweet little illustrations drawn by Tasha to the owner of the book. I love to find these and up grade my books.  Each book as a very charming little drawing.

Here we are on Friday after we got all set up for the show. Let the fun begin! We had a great show. We have some wonderful customers who really support us and make the hard work all worth while.
I'm showing some photos as I like to document Jimmy's shows. Enjoy.

Linking up with Bernideen's Blog
Linking up with Sandi's No Place Like Home


  1. Love your Tasha Tudor books and Beatrix Potter figures! I have been fortunate enough to find two BP figures at thrift stores. Tom Kitten was $2 and Cousin Ribby was $1. Talk about excited! I would really love to have Mrs. Tiggywinkle Takes Tea and the Tailor of Gloucester, but don't expect to find them at the thrift stores! Hunca Munca is a favorite too.
    I finally got the group photo that was taken when we went to Tasha Tudor's last September. Thought they had forgotten it! It came with a beautiful card with Tasha on it.

  2. Love the Beatrix Potter figures, my eldest daughter collects them we started her collection when she was born 32 years ago. Your dear husband certainly displays all his wares well for his shows. I guess that's down to you.

  3. Great finds. You have an advantage to finding lots of good collectibles at these shows. Lucky You.

  4. I love your wonderful finds..especially the Beatrix potter...Im a BIG fan! Im always amazed at what people find in thrift stores..I never seem to find anything. I do love trawling the antique and flea markets though, even though they can be a bit expensive.
    Enjoy the rest of your week
    Phoebe x

  5. Dear Linda:
    Or maybe I should say "Lady" Linda really! My husband is going out the door but when he gets back I will show him your post as I always like to show him photos of Jimmy's booth and I see your area there too. There is an antique booth in Denver that is called "His" and "Her" and they each have an area in the booth. "Her" area is bigger though. Ha! I have the same 2 Beatrix Potter figurines and recently found 2 more so now I have 12. I do so love them. The books from Beatrix are amazing and no one will have "Personalized" ones like you! Wow! I am so glad the show went well. I am only sorry I couldn't go! Thanks for sharing!

  6. Ooooooo, Lovely Lady Linda!
    I so enjoyed seeing all the treasures, especially the ones that you were able to
    bring home!! :-) Such pretty things (that I like to call "Fancy Goods" )!!
    Have a lovey day , sending warmth and love, Linnie

  7. Oh, what wonderful treasures! I love Beatrix Potter too. Your hubby put on a wonderful selection of goodies for his show. I see some very nice teacups there and that pink depression glass bowl?? Love the Shelley! What fun you two must have thrifting and then selling. Thank you for sharing and have a lovely day.


  8. Oh those pictures make me want to go to an antiques show! We used to have a good one around here but not anymore. Nice treasures you found, that book is so sweet! I have Tabitha Twitchett in my booth at the antique mall. :)
    Happy Thursday to you,

  9. Oh...dearest Lady Linda! I just stopped by the post office...and guess what?? Your truly delightful package of happiness was waiting for me! Oh, BLESSED me so richly, dear Lady Linda - everything is just so beautiful and I am SO touched by the love and care that you put into wrapping are so kind!

    Just wanted to stop by and thank you...

    And what beautiful vintage goodies you shared in this post! Love Mrs Tiggy Winkle!

    Hugs and SO much love to you! Thank you for your sweet giveaway gifts!


  10. Hello from Spain: lovely treasures. Great teacups. I like very much Beatrix Potter figures. Keep in touch
