
Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Tuesday Treasures

Tuesday evening and still a bit of time to post my finds from this past weekend. I spent the afternoon OUTSIDE, cleaning up my front flower beds. It felt so good to be outside in the fresh air. The rains backed off and it was quite warm for January....47 degrees! As I watched the nightly news, I wondered what my friends, who are still buried under tons of snow, would think of me outside working in my yard!

This is a sweet vintage porcelain candle stick holder with a metal parts. It is German, but I don't know the company. It is marked GES GESCH. That actually stands for Gesetzilch Geschutzt which means legally protected. The marks were used after 1899. I really can't find much information about this sweet piece. It has been used and is missing some of it's gold trim, but I still really like it.

I like the metal candle holder and the metal handle. It just makes it a bit different from the others I have seen.

It is now living in my tea room and looks quite comfy there.

I also found this little milk glass hand. It was made by Avon and is small. I have been looking for one for awhile.

I wanted the "hand" to hold a little paper Valentine that I have had for awhile. Perfect!

I adore old lace and tatting. Isn't this a wonderful piece of vintage tatting? There are 3 yards of this!
It is just beautiful

I have never found a piece of double tatting. So pretty. I would like to learn how to tat, but I am not very good at this type of craft.

My hubby actually found this is wonderful. It is filled with 165 photos, all of children from 1860-1920. The pictures are not individually dated but each country is identified. Some photos are from Europe and some are fro America. It's fun to study the clothing as well as the children. They just look like little adults!

I am linking up with BERNIDEENS blog party. Hop on over and see what's going on with her blogger friends. 


  1. Dear Linda:
    I am thrilled that you came and shared your treasures. If I had been there I would of been looking at your hubby's booth! I saw your pictures and thought the show looked wonderful and you sure got some cute things! I really admire old lace and that tatting is wonderful. I can't even imagine doing that detail work. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Hi Linda, your candle holder is definitely a keeper, very nice. Pretty tatting too. Thanks for sharing your wonderful treasures with us.

  3. That glass hand is wonderful. It's nice to sharing Your treasures to us. Have a nice week.
