
Tuesday, January 12, 2016

TUESDAY TREASURE~Little Red Riding Hood

Oh it is a nasty winter day here in Oregon! No snow or ice but wind and cold and wet rain! I helped Jimmy set up the last display for the upcoming Antique and Collectible show in Clark County this weekend. I actually had a bit of time to catch up on paper work and made a big pot of veggie soup for dinner.

I get to go to so many Estate Sales and am blessed with lots of treasures for my Etsy shoppe and there's always a treasure or two for Linda Lou. I decided it might be fun to share a goodie or two on Tuesdays, when possible. I am trying to work my way back into blogging, so this can be a fun adventure for me.

I found this adorable little cup and saucer at a sale. It's child sized or demitasse sized and I love it because it is pink. There are no markings on the cup or saucer, but it has a great image of Little Red Riding Hood and the wolf in granny's bed!

Some Fairy Tales can be scary! I did a bit of research and found that this story comes from Europe. It was first published by Charles Perrault in France. Of course the story was also published by the brothers Grimm in Germany, The stories morph and change a bit over the years, but basically, the sweet Little Red Riding Hood is off to take bread and cakes to her ill grandmother. Her mother warns her to go right to her grandma's house and to stay on the path. Of course, she talks to the foxy wolf and delays her trip to pick flowers. The wolf is able to get to grandma's house first and he gobbles her up. Then he hops in her bed and pretends to be Little Red Riding Hood's grandmother! When she arrives, the clever wolf tricks her and gobble her up too! Luckily, a woodsman comes along and rescues the two from the wolf's tummy and they fill him with rocks and he dies. The woodsman (or sometimes a hunter) skins the wolf. Little Red Riding Hood learns her lesson and all is well.

Being a Tasha Tudor fan, I remembered that of course she had published a Fairy Tale book. This is the edition that I own.

There are many wonderful vintage images to be found. I adore children's literature and especially enjoy vintage images. Here are just a few to enjoy.

As you can imagine, there are many Little Red Riding dolls. I really love this topsy turvy doll from 1890. I would love to own her!

I hope you enjoyed my little exit from the real world into fairy tale land for a bit. My mom was so good about reading to us when I was growing up. I think I owe my love of stories and books to my mom. Stay warm, grab a cup of tea and read something fun.

My blogger friend BERNIDEEN has added a blog party on Mondays. Do pop over to see her fun and beautiful blog...join in on the fun. 


  1. Those books are quite charming. I have never seen that Tasha Tudor book which is quite wonderful! Loved the Little Red Riding Hood Cup and Saucer!

  2. Oh goodie - I am thrilled you would like your darling posting!

  3. Goodness! I had no idea how scary that story really is. My version was obviously the cleaned-up, don't.scare.the.children one. That is a sweet tea cup and saucer for the brave child or the collector.

  4. I was and still am a fan of Little Red Riding Hood-in fact I read it again to one of our 2 year old granddaughters over Christmas.
    Darling little saucer and cup.
    It was so nice of you to visit me, Linda.
    I sure hope you have a fantastic new year!

  5. How adorable. 'Love the teacup, books, all of it. Thank you for the nice comment on my blog. Now following your blog :)

  6. I loved my little escape to your fairy tale world, if only for a little while. Each and every illustration is gorgeous. I adore reading fairy tales; there are so many from all over the world to enjoy. What a sweet little cup, such treasure you found.

  7. Such beautiful illustrations, a real delight and the cup and saucer was enchanting. A great find.

    Bertie was 4 last November, he is indeed a sweetheart.

  8. What a fun post. I have always loved the story of Little Red Riding Hood. My Mom would read this story a lot, must have been one of her favorites too. What a lovely little teacup, great find. I'm like you, would love to find a topsy turvey doll like that!

  9. My dearest, I very much enjoyed it. The world doesnt seem to read these stories like we did or our oarents did in my case it was my father who read and knew all the nursery rhymes.. Your little cup is very sweet. Thank you for sharing it all. Happy Wednesday with love Janice

  10. Oh Linda, the red riding hood teacup is just darling!! I love the Tasha Tudor Red Riding Hood book and your copy would be such a nice one to own. I have 'Twas the Night Before Christmas one and just love it!

  11. Hi Linda....That looks like a great Tasha Tudor fairy tale book. I just returned "Becky's Chritmas" to the library. Oh, I'd LOVE to have a copy of that in my home library. Alas, it's wayyyyyy out of my price range on ebay. Keep warm. It's an ice box here, too. Susan

  12. Hi Linda,
    I am a big fan of fairy tales too, especially Little Red Riding Hood. The little teacup is adorable and I like all of the vintage images you shared with us.
    thanks so much for your recent visit to my Fireside Tea and SNow post, we did get some snow last week and possibly more this weekend. So I am happy!

  13. I did enjoy a little time in fairytale land! I love Tasha's art work. Your new cup is sweet! You are lucky to go to estate sales, I do love them but here they are a bit crazy. Wishing better weather for you!

  14. What a sweet post. Thanks for the beautiful pictures and the history of the Little Red Riding Hood story. Thanks, also, for stopping by my blog.
