
Saturday, January 23, 2016

January Full Moon

Full moon tonight! I was able to snap this photo last night as I knew it would be raining tonight.
You can see the clouds moving across the winter sky. Our weather has turned warm and wet once again. I know many of my blogger friends are under a blanket of snow tonight.

The names of the moon are many this month...most of them do sound like winter.
Wolf,winter, cold, stay inside, big cold, whirling winds, freezing, ice, old, cooking and quiet.
My choice this January is QUIET! Oh, how I love quiet! I think that's way I really like winter.

This is a wonderful children's book about the full moon. I need to order this to share with the grandchildren.

We had a nice surprise tonight. Our daughter Gina showed up at our door this afternoon! An unexpected visitor from Seattle. She came down for her friend's birthday. Always a treat to have her with us.

1 comment:

  1. How wonderful to get a surprise visit from your daughter. I haven't come across that book before, I will try to look at it at the library.
