
Sunday, January 3, 2016

A Snowy Epiphany Sunday

January 6th is the real date for Epiphany, but today is also known as Epiphany Sunday. My friend Natalie was the first to enlighten me years ago that the wise men did not visit Jesus in the manger. She always has her wise men across the room, with camels, traveling to see the baby Jesus...of course, they are coming from the East. I think of Natalie every time I see a manger!

I was thinking how serious these men were to follow the star and bring gifts to Jesus. We don't know if these men were kings, we don't know if there were only only three of them, but we do know they journeyed to see the King of Kings....Jesus. They brought gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh,symbolizing royalty, deity and death.

So what gift would give to Jesus if you were traveling with the wise men?
What gift would you give Jesus today?
Something to think about.

It's been a snowy day here in Troutdale. I think the winds have settled down a bit tonight. freezing  rain is falling now.


  1. Happy New Year, Linda! You know, I was in my 30's before I became born again and for all those years, I never knew any different that the Wise Men were not in the manger. Isn't it funny how we all have taken that for granted? When we really think about it, how could they have been, right? To answer your question...hmmm...that's a hard one. I guess I would try to bundle up gratefulness in one form or another. You are right...something to think about for sure! It has finally gotten cold here in the south and I would love some snow about now :) Blessings to you for a fabulous 2016!

  2. Food for thought I don't know what gift I would bring. No snow this side of the Atlantic only rain, rain and more rain. Best wishes for 2016.

  3. Hi Linda. Happy New Year! I didn't know the kings visited with the Baby King in a place other than the manger. Learn something new every day. Hugs. Susan

  4. Hi Linda, thanks for giving us something to ponder. My daughter's birthday is on the 6th. :) Have a wonderful week!
