
Wednesday, December 2, 2015

My Dad

When I went over to dad's and we got his apartment ready for Christmas, I had no idea what was ahead. All went well, although, he had taken a fall late Thanksgiving night.

Yesterday, Jim and I were going up to Seattle to visit my daughter and SIL and his mom Susan, who was down from Alaska. We got a message that my dad had fallen again, so we stopped by on our way out of town. Oh, so thankful we did, as he was having problems and the management was in his room. He lives in the independent care building and after 3 falls, they were needing the family to come up with a plan. Oh wow...we had no idea. As both of my sisters are teaching, Jim and I had to start some action. We canceled the trip. It seems my dad was taking too much pain medicine for his sore shoulder.

My sisters met us at 7 PM and we had a good meeting and have started a plan. Right now, he has to have 3 care visits...morning, noon and night. I am in the process of setting that up with a care company but in the meantime, my sweet hubby is taking the duty for the next 3 days. Of course, I have babysitting days, so it's a balancing act.

I felt so bad for my dad yesterday. It's going to take some work, but I think we can do this. He is 86 and has been on borrowed time since his stroke and heart attack 6 years ago. All in God's timing...right?

So, I am glad that I decorated early and got his Christmas things up. Our tree isn't up yet and who knows, maybe it won't go up this year. Lots of unknowns right now.

Ava did this little display by his door in the hall. She was a great helper and we all had fun.

Smile PAPA John! You have good kids who will take care of you. Lots of love all around. We are thankful you are ok and SO thankful that you didn't break anything with your falls.

Not real sure how much blogging I will be doing. Papa comes first. 


  1. You will all be in my prayers. Take care.

  2. God bless you for that incredible attitude! Prayers.

  3. Yes, you are comes first. I hope you get everything squared away and that he will have no more falls. How blessed you are to still have him! He is only about 5 years older than my oldest sibling, my brother! I am the baby out of eight so surely you might realize how old my parents would be now. My mom & dad both lived into their 90's, Mom being almost 98 when she passed. Blessings to you and your family!

  4. He raised loving and caring children and they have loving and caring partners to help Dad at this vulnerable time in his life. It is wonderful that you are there for him and selfless enough to put others ahead of your own plans. Merry Christmas to you and your dad!

  5. Dear Linda~~ bless your dear heart, yes your papa comes first. :-)
    The aging process... Sounds like you are getting things all settled with your dad, but there certainly is much to think about.
    His decorations look just lovely.
    I will add you and your papa to my prayer journal.

    The Lord bless you~~ Debbie

  6. I am so glad he was not badly hurt! Yall have his place decorated so nicely! Its very festive and cheery
