
Monday, September 14, 2015

What do you do when you are stuck in your house?

Last Friday, the city of Troutdale repaved our street and so we were not allowed in or out from 7:00 AM to 6:00 PM. I had planned ahead so I didn't need to leave and settled in for the day. I decided to bake a batch of oatmeal cookies for my Jimmy (his favorite, but not mine). I made a big batch to share with the guys roofing the house too. I was also wanting to try out my new hand mixer. It is a nice heavy duty one and it really works great. A bargain for $8.00!

This is my recipe. It is not overly sweet. I do like to substitute golden raisins and I add about 1/4 c of dried cranberries and 1/2 c of chopped pecans.

The recipe does make the 4 1/2 dozen cookies as stated if you make them smaller as I did.

Golden raisins, dried cranberries and chopped pecans make the recipe a bit better! So that was a fun thing to do when you are stuck in your house!

My next project has been waiting since last spring. I bought a very fun little two room vintage dollhouse at a flea market. The lady who sold it to me has become a friend over the years. She had had this for years and thinks she found it in Seattle. It was probably made in the 30's or 40's and is very simple and handmade. It has two glass panes and a little door that opens between the two rooms. The original linoleum flooring is loud but period and I wanted to keep it in the little house.

There was only one original set of curtains left and they were pretty icky, so I replaced it.

I used some vintage lace and tried to copy the original set .

I found a little set  of curtains already made for $1.50 and I thought they would be just perfect for the kitchen area.

Last winter, I had found some little doll furniture that I thought was so cute. I didn't know anything about the pieces. I was going to put them on my Etsy site, but wasn't in a hurry to list them. When I got the house, I decided the furniture was perfect for it! I later found out that the furniture is from the same time period and is called Strombecker. I found a few more pieces online. I wish I had a couple more rooms to fill up, but this will have to do!

I had to make the little bedding for the bed too! I had so much fun just playing with my little dollhouse! It's a very different type of house and it will live in my cottage...just for fun.

It was just fun to stay home and work on something fun that I have been hoping to finish for  a long time.

I'm linking up to my friend 's Roses of Inspiration today. Pop on over to Stephanie's beautiful blog The Enchanting Rose. You will be amazed at all the creative bloggers.


  1. Sounds like a wonderful day to me. The cookies look great... I have a metal doll house thats been sitting forever and i too have furniture nit sure if its from the same time i enjoyed your post thanks for sharing happy new week with love Janice

  2. Sounds idyllic, what a great way to spend the day. Love the way you have furnished the lovely dolls house.

  3. Hello from Spain: nice curtains. I love your dollhouse. Nice furnishings. You cook very well. I'm always busy at home. Keep in touch

  4. Baking cookies is always a treat! Love your doll house.
    Have a blessed week,Linda!

  5. What a precious little project! I love the vintage look it has. I have a log cabin doll house my husband bought me, just waiting for me to decorate it. I got discouraged at the high price of the furniture. I love oatmeal cookies and I usually add chocolate chips to mine.

  6. What a wonderful day! I love all your photos, and the cookies look delicious! :)

  7. It sounds like you had a fun day. I'm glad you enjoyed it.
    Thanks for popping over for a visit, it's nice to meet new people.
    Have a nice week,


  8. What fun! I love the 2 rooms, the simplicity of it all. I can just imagine a mom or dad building it with what they had. The basics. I LOVE, LOVE the linoleum!

  9. I'm so happy I didn't miss this post.I love to just "cozy on down" with baking and crafting.How fun Your dollhouse is and looks so authentically vintage.I made a Christmas country store with My youngest Daughter one time Years ago. I have a bit of fun news I want to share with You.....I won that seat in the art class.It's a little new age,that You must know I don't go for but I've just decided to ignore that part. I always enjoy visiting with You Dear Sweet Linda, My penpal.Hugs Denise

  10. Oh Linda ~ Your little doll house is just darling! I especially loved the door.
    My mother used to own a Fine doll and collectibles store and she carried miniatures and quite a selection of furniture. I used to enjoy looking at all the tiny things. I believe that is where I began my collecting of miniatures. :)
    Oat meal cookies, YUM! Those were my dads favorite cookies. I have a recipe that was his mothers and he liked only her oatmeal cookies.

    Its nice to stop in and visit with you, and thank you for your visit and very kind comment.

    Enjoy you day~Debbie
