
Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Another Little Dollhouse Finished! Remembering Vermont

I'm stepping back to July for show and tell today. This is a photo of the darling little town of Newfane, Vermont which is close to Brattleboro, Vermont. It is picturesque and has several churches like these in this photo. When we had dinner our first night in Brattleboro, the fun host told us about this little antique shoppe that was a must to visit.

This is the little shoppe, owned and operated by Jack Winner. Isn't it cute? There's just not many individual antique shoppes left anymore with all the malls. Jimmy and I were so happy to find this one! Jack is hoping to retire soon and I'm not sure how much longer this shoppe will be open.

This is their B&B right next door, but I'm not sure if it is being rented right now or not.

Here's Jack Winner! He was just delightful and gave us lots of time and lots of information. We told him we were there for the Tasha Tudor event and he said that Bethany Tudor used to come in often to buy her mother pink lusterware teacups. Unfortunately, he didn't have a one for sale.

However, he had many other goodies to tempt us. I found this doll that I featured a bit ago on my blog and this little black chair that now lives on a shelf in my living room.

The grounds were quite lovely. I just loved the little pansies in this basket by the door.

So, this is what I bought from Jack. It belonged to a friend of his and he said it was from Austria before WWII. I fell in love with it and it came with the furniture and the larger man doll. I added
some items when I got home, of course, but it is pretty much finished now. When I bought it, I could see it decorated for Christmas with a little tree....very German or Austrian.

The bed and the cradle needed bedding, so I got that done the other day. I found the little lamp at the doll show. I had to order this charming little old world children to live in the house.

The furniture you see with the white flowers and orangish trim is what came with the house.  When I started to do some research to find a table for the 2 chairs, I discovered vintage Dora Kuhn painted furniture from Germany. Her work is more refined but I did order the table, 2 more chairs and a little hutch to go into the house. It isn't quite the same, but blends well.

Another look at the furniture that came with the box house.

This little guy was in the box. His wooden foot was broken, but he manages quite well.

Can you see the little cuckoo clock I found at the doll show?  The front door folds up to close up the little one room house.

A detail look at the way the roof fits together when closed.

So here is the little house...nice and compact. I love it and wonder who made it years ago. I will be taking very good care of it now.

I funny little story. Jim and I were going up to our room the night everyone was arriving in Brattleboro for our Tasha Tudor Gathering. The elevator door opened and this lady with a luggage cart says...."you got my dollhouse!" It was Belinda from my tea group and my Tasha group. I was waiting to meet her in person, but didn't know it would be like this! She started to laugh and I figured out she was talking about THIS dollhouse. She had been to Jack's shoppe after we were there and had asked him if he had any dollhouses. He said yes, but a couple from Oregon had just bought it! What a small world! I think of Belinda every time I look at it.

I'm linking up with Stephanie's blog again today. Take a stroll over to THE ENCHANTING ROSE to see what some talented ladies across the USA have been working on this past week.


  1. Bhahahahaha!! Love this Linda!! I was,actually joking with you but now that I have seen this lovely dollhouse I may change my Especially with all of the additions!! What a beautiful and sweet dollhouse. Always enjoy your blog entries and pictures. It was so good to finally meet you. Both you and your husband are some of the sweetest people!! I thoroughly enjoyed spending time with you!! Xxoxo

  2. Bhahahahaha!! Love this Linda!! I was,actually joking with you but now that I have seen this lovely dollhouse I may change my Especially with all of the additions!! What a beautiful and sweet dollhouse. Always enjoy your blog entries and pictures. It was so good to finally meet you. Both you and your husband are some of the sweetest people!! I thoroughly enjoyed spending time with you!! Xxoxo

  3. Very sweet doll house and everything in it. Belinda, you have to be quick to get ahead of those 2 from Oregon! :-)

  4. That is such a beautiful dollhouse and I love how you have dressed it with the additions. Stunning. If only houses could talk, I do wonder how it managed to get across from Austria and the story of the people taking it over to America.

  5. What a lovely dollhouse and the furnishings are just delightful! Great job adding the adorable bedding! I have always wanted to visit the New England states...maybe some day :)

  6. Good morning, sweet friend! My, what a darling little doll house! I was at a shop the other week and saw a lovely doll made me wish I would bring it home and put it up on display :) There are so many cute furnishings that I'm sure it's easy to go crazy with decorating.

    Thanks for sharing with Roses of Inspiration. Love to you, dear one!

  7. What a tremendous hobby you have. I recently gave our granddaughter my daughter's doll house from the 70's which was down in the basement. It had lots of "stuff" and of course being a did she didn't like the Victorian furniture I had purchased at the Williamsburg Pottery back in the 70's. Kids are funny.
    I love your very collectible piece and you sure received a lot of information from the gentleman.
